Nick Patrick Highlights Great Bit Of Storytelling The NWO Brought To WCW

The NWO brought a lot of iconic moments to professional wrestling history and truly changed the game during the Monday Night Wars. The faction took risks that helped make them stand out, one of which led to them spray painting the World Heavyweight Championship with the NWO logo, which Nick Patrick was a fan of.


"It was great storytelling to me and emblematic of a new era moving forward," he said on "Monday Mailbag."

Championships are held in high prestige in professional wrestling and doing anything to disrespect them can be seen as a negative at times. However, in this instance, it certainly helped enhance the edge that the faction had, and Patrick believes it helped them break new ground in professional wrestling.

"That's about as bold of a statement as you can make," he said. "If you're going to make a statement, make that son of a b*tch as bold as you can make it. It's about as bold as you can get other than like a Madusa dropping one in the trash can. To me, this was more symbolic with the spray paint and the emblem."


Clearly, the moment had a major impact on professional wrestling on the whole because spray painting titles is something that has happened since, most recently in AEW. CM Punk marked his version of the AEW World Championship by spray painting an 'X' across the middle to represent his straightedge lifestyle. Furthermore, his actions drew comparisons to Hulk Hogan's moment.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Monday Mailbag" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

