Kevin Nash On The Miz And LA Knight's WWE Raw Segment, What He Would've Changed

Former WWE and WCW star Kevin Nash made headlines in recent weeks with his comments on LA Knight, and Nash later stood by his statements while clarifying that he simply didn't know who Knight was. On the latest episode of Nash's podcast, "Kliq This," the two-time WWE Hall of Famer gave his thoughts on last week's promo segment between Knight and The Miz on "WWE Raw."


"So, if I'm LA Knight and I go over in the Slim Jim Battle Royale, I finally think, 'Okay, they're realizing that I'm over, and I'm gonna start to get a push,'" Nash said. "And then [he goes] out on 'Raw' and they basically give Miz everything that we said on this show, ... basically saying that [he's] just a rip-off of the Attitude Era."

Nash said that, if anything, the segment proved that The Miz was talented on the microphone, while Knight flubbed some of his lines. Additionally, for Nash, the fact that Mike Mizanin is a millionaire with "a hot wife" and a big home proves which performer has had more success in the wrestling industry.

Nash Critiques Last Week's Segment

Something about the segment on last week's "Raw" felt off to Nash, with the Hall of Famer saying it felt like Knight was "booby-trapped" out there. There was one specific moment Nash says he would have done differently.


"Miz throws the jacket on him, and gets some heat on him, and that didn't look very vicious," Nash continued. "LA came out on top of it, and then I would've went to the ... hard camera and did my LA Knight thing, and then I would've got halfway through the ropes, then I would've stopped, turned, looked back at him, and then slowly made my way back over to see whether I was going to drop that elbow gimmick or whatever. Then I would've shook his hand, and that would've been the out."

Knight instead laid down next to The Miz, and according to Nash, it looked somewhat like the two were sharing a sensual moment in the middle of the ring. Nash pointed out that Knight could've made more of a statement, but instead the segment ended on a low.

