Booker T Explains The Benefits Of Baron Corbin Returning To WWE NXT

After a long, mixed bag of a main roster run, Baron Corbin has seemingly found a home again on "WWE NXT," where he has become a featured performer over the last month. While not everything has hit, like his match with Gable Steveson at NXT Great American Bash, many feel Corbin has been rejuvenated by his run on the brand. "NXT" commentator Booker T is of this opinion.


On the latest episode of "The Hall of Fame" podcast, Booker complimented Corbin's "NXT" run, particularly the video packages highlighting him, and how the most important thing "NXT" had given Corbin was something substantial to do after he had gotten lost in the main roster shuffle.

"I think on the main roster, sometimes you can get stuck in a rut and find those moments where...I hate this term right here, 'We ain't got nothing for you,'" Booker said. "When you started hearing that, it's a problem. For Baron Corbin, to be back in 'NXT,' to be able to reinvent himself all over again...those packages, they go a long way. 

"And for me, I've always been a Baron Corbin fan. Always been, just because he's been that heel's heel for me. He hasn't been the guy that wanted to get any fanfare being a heel. He's always just trying to play his role, and play that role to the best of his ability."


He continued, "I think the "Lone Wolf" character, especially on 'NXT,' being back on NXT where it started all over again, where it originated, I love the idea," Booker said. 

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