AEW Rampage Results 8/4 - Parking Lot Fight, Anna Jay Takes On Skye Blue And More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on August 4, 2023, coming to you from the Yuengling Center in Tampa, Florida!

A huge Parking Lot Fight is slated for tonight, as Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli of Blackpool Combat Club collide with Best Friends' Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor. The four men, along with their respective teammates Wheeler Yuta and International Champion Orange Cassidy, found themselves entangled in a brawl following the Triple Threat Anything Goes match between Moxley, Beretta, and Penta El Zero Miedo this past Wednesday on "AEW Dynamite".


Keith Lee will be returning to action as he joins forces with Matt and Jeff Hardy to take on Kip Sabian, The Butcher, and The Blade in trios competition. Lee's last match came on the July 14 episode of "Rampage", in which he teamed up with his Naturally Limitless teammate Dustin Rhodes to defeat Jericho Appreciation Society's "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard and "Cool Hand Ang" Angelo Parker.

Speaking of the J.A.S., another member will be in action tonight as Anna Jay goes one-on-one with Skye Blue. The two faced off in a quarter-finals match for the Owen Hart Cup Tournament on the June 23 edition of "Rampage", and Blue was ultimately the one who came out on top.

Additionally, Mogul Embassy's Swerve Strickland and AR Fox will be competing tonight against opponents who have yet to be named.


We are live! Excalibur, Chris Jericho and Taz greet audiences at home as Keith Lee, The Hardys, The Butcher, The Blade, and Kip Sabian are waiting in the ring.

Keith Lee and The Hardys (w/ Ethan Page and Brother Zay) vs. Kip Sabian, The Butcher and The Blade (w/ Penelope Ford)

Jeff and Sabian begin the action. The bell rings and Sabian lands a shoulder tackle. Jeff fires back with a Russian Leg Sweep and a variation on a leg drop, then tags in Matt. Jeff lands a splash on Sabian off Matt's back in the corner before Matt delivers a bodyslam and an elbow off the middle rope. He looks for Twist of Fate, but Sabian sends him crashing into the corner and tags in Blade. Blade delivers a chop, then whips Matt into the corner. Matt responds with Side Effect and runs the ropes.


Butcher takes a cheap shot at him from the apron, then tags in and jams his knee into Matt's throat. He delivers a chop, but Matt manages to execute The Three Faces of Deletion. Jeff tags back in and delivers a double ax handle, but Butcher fires back with a boot to his midsection. Jeff is tossed out of the ring, and Sabian goes flying off the ropes to level him before dumping him back inside. 

Back from the break, Butcher whips Jeff into the corner and tags in Blade. Sabian tags in and Blade delivers a chop before Sabian lands a senton. Butcher tags back in and lands a backbreaker, then sends Matt crashing off the apron. Lee tags in and delivers a right hand to Butcher's midsection. Sabian (now the legal man) jumps on his back, but Lee doesn't go down. He sends Blade crashing into Butcher, then catches Sabian with a snapmare and tosses him on top of Butcher and Blade. Lee then lands a powerslam on Sabian and goes for a pin but Butcher breaks the fall. Matt levels him and delivers a Twist of Fate to Blade.


Sabian looks to go flying, but Lee catches him with a double chop and tags in Jeff. Jeff delivers the Swanton Bomb for the win.

Winners: Keith Lee and The Hardys

We then head to a video of The Kingdom reflecting on their relationship with Adam Cole over the years.

Back from the break, we see The Young Bucks and The Hardys confronting one another backstage. Matt Hardy challenges The Bucks to a tag team match this coming Wednesday on "Dynamite", and Matt Jackson accepts. 

Anna Jay, "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard, and "Cool Hand Ang" Angelo Parker then make their way down to the ring as they glare at Chris Jericho over at the commentary desk. Skye Blue follows. 

Anna Jay (w/ Matt Menard and Angelo Parker) vs. Skye Blue

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before Blue fires off forearms and lands a shoulder tackle. She follows it up with a superkick, but Jay lands a forearm and sends her into the top turnbuckle face first. She then delivers a spinning back heel kick that sends Blue to the outside from off the apron.


Back from the break, Jay has a shoulder submission locked in on Blue. Blue escapes and fires off forearms, but Jay catches her with a knee to her midsection. Blue lands a back elbow and ascends to the top, then delivers a crossbody and a running knee. She follows it up with a snapmare and a kick to her head, then delivers Skye Fall. Parker hops up on the apron and Blue clocks him. This allows Jay to sneak up on her and lock in Queen Slayer. Blue taps out.

Winner: Anna Jay

We then head over to Paul Wight and Tony Schiavone at the sight of the Parking Lot Fight at Daily's Place in Jacksonville, Florida, who announce that PAC is injured and the winners of the upcoming specialty match will face his Death Triangle teammates The Lucha Brothers this Wednesday on "Dynamite".


Back at ringside, Mogul Embassy heads down. Tyshaun Perez and Logan Cruz are already waiting in the ring. 

Mogul Embassy (w/ Prince Nana) vs. Tyshaun Perez and Logan Cruz

Cruz and Swerve look to begin the action. The bell rings and Perez enters the ring. Fox levels Cruz and Perez with dropkicks, then levels them both on the outside and dumps Cruz back in the ring. Swerve delivers an uppercut off the middle rope, then plants Perez with a powerbomb. Fox tags in and delivers an uppercut, then lands a cutter. Swerve then delivers a Brainbuster before Fox ascends to the top and lands a 450 Splash for the win.


Winners: Mogul Embassy

Back from the break, we head over to Daily's Place for the Parking Lot Fight.

Best Friends vs. Blackpool Combat Club in a Parking Lot Fight

The bell rings and the four men waste no time raining down right hands on one another. Taylor sends Castagnoli into a car face first as Moxley jams a fork into Beretta's head. He delivers a series of kicks to Beretta as Castagnoli delivers a belly-to-back suplex to Taylor. Beretta delivers a splash off a car to Moxley before Castagnoli hits him repeatedly with a car spoiler. Beretta and Taylor then send Castagnoli into one of the car trunks before Taylor grabs the spoiler and hits Moxley with it. He takes a shot at Castagnoli, then smashes him using a car hood. Castagnoli and Moxley do the same to Beretta and Castagnoli powerbombs Taylor on top of Beretta and the car hood.


Castagnoli delivers The Swing to Beretta while Moxley retrieves a trash bin. Castagnoli ends The Swing by sending Beretta crashing into it, but Taylor makes the save by hitting Castaganoli with a street sign. He does the same to Moxley, then picks up the fork and jams it into his head. He then sets up one of the guard rails on a car and looks to send Moxley crashing through it, but Moxley fights his way out and suplexes Taylor onto it. 

Back from the break, Beretta hits Castagnoli with the street sign on top of a car. He then sets him up on a guard rail held up by two car doors, then delivers a senton off it. Moxley delivers Paradigm Shift to Taylor on top of the car and hops off. Beretta charges at him, but Castagnoli pulls Moxley out of the way and Beretta is sent crashing into the side of the car. Castagnoli then plants him on the roof of another car, then climbs up to join him and looks to powerbomb him on top of it. Beretta fights his way out, and delivers a belly-to-back piledriver.


Moxley hops up on the roof of the car and locks a Sleeper in on Beretta. Beretta fights his way out of the hold and delivers a forearm. Moxley does the same, and the pair go back and forth. Moxley knocks Beretta off the car, but Beretta gets back up and the pair rain down right hands on one another on top of the hood. Moxley plants Beretta on the windshield wipers with a double underhook suplex.

Taylor grabs a flaming torch wrapped in barbed wire and looks to hit Moxley but before he can, Wheeler Yuta appears and dares Taylor to hit him. Moxley sneaks up on Taylor and grabs it out of his hand, then hits him. Yuta then jams a screwdriver into Taylor's neck, but Sue appears with her minivan and Orange Cassidy on top of it. Cassidy delivers a crossbody off Sue's mini van, but BCC overpowers him. Castagnoli sends Cassidy's leg bouncing off the hood, then gets in Sue's face. Yuta delivers a DDT to Cassidy on the hood of the minivan, and Castagnoli opens the driver's side. He demands Sue exit her car, and she does. An angered Beretta looks to attack them, but BCC sends him crashing into the side of the minivan. Castagnoli rips the driver's side door off as Yuta and Moxley smash the windows and back windshield. Moxley delivers a Curb Stomp off the roof of the minivan as Castagnoli holds Beretta in place on the front windshield, and Castagnoli then pins him for the win.


Winners: Blackpool Combat Club

After the match, Castagnoli sends the guard rail into Sue's minivan. Moxley then lets the air out of one of the tires.

