Numerous AEW Stars Push Back On Women's Locker Room Concerns, LuFisto Responds

A number of AEW stars, many from the women's locker room, have tweeted their responses after independent veteran LuFisto voiced her concerns in an interview Thursday about the company's women's division and how she was treated on an episode of "AEW Dark: Elevation" in April 2022. LuFisto recently opened up regarding her experience with the company in a lengthy Fightful interview and followed up with a thread with more details, and now, members of the AEW roster, including MJF, Britt Baker, Saraya, Taya Valkyrie, Nyla Rose, Renee Paquette, and many more, have responded, coming to the defense of the company and its backstage environment.


AEW World Champion MJF posted a lengthy tweet about "listening to miserable people who never made it in this sport," seemingly referring to LuFisto, saying "If someone's been in professional wrestling for over a decade and you find them to be talented but they've never truly 'panned out' there's a reason for it."

Former AEW Women's Champion Britt Baker also responded Friday afternoon after sources previously confirmed she was not involved with keeping LuFisto out of AEW following her match on "Dark: Elevation." Baker quote-tweeted MJF's statement, as well as her own, responding to LuFisto's claims (in a Twitter thread after the interview dropped, supposedly motivated by a phone call with a current AEW talent) that a backstage meeting was called to "shoot" on Thunder Rosa, where Tony Khan was in attendance.


"False. Thunder called the meeting to discuss multiple/personal issues. There was no meeting to 'shoot on' her – these are salacious Twitter rumors. I'm sure when she's ready she can help clarify," Baker tweeted.

Ruby Soho, who bore the brunt of LuFisto's comments in the interview, also tweeted a statement, saying in part, "The women in the AEW locker room don't just claim to be in support of women's wrestling, they show it. Whether you see it or not." Soho said the tweet would be her only statement on the matter.

Dustin Rhodes, who LuFisto also discussed at length in her interview, had previously responded on Twitter before deleting the tweet.

LuFisto responded to the barrage of tweets with another thread, calling the posters "hypocrites."

"Enjoy your paychecks and keep on stabbing each other in the back pretending this is normal," she wrote. "I can only hope that your hate towards me will get you to finally f***ing work together for the best of women's wrestling, now that problems have been called out."


