Eric Bischoff Believes Recent WWE Announcements Are 'Staggering'

During a recent episode of "Strictly Business," WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff called WWE's record-breaking numbers "staggering" in the wake of all the adversity the company has faced over the last few years.


"Certainly for WWE it is [one of the hottest times], no question about that," Bischoff said. "These numbers are staggering, particularly when you step back and realize that this is a live entertainment company that's struggled but yet still prevailed during COVID. The effort that went in, I mean from everybody, from writers and producers and obviously talent and everybody that was on location and traveling during that period of time. To be able to struggle through something like COVID, for any business, but particularly the live event business is a hell of an accomplishment all by itself."

Bischoff continued, "So WWE survives that once-in-a-generation situation and you go into an economic downturn, then you go into all of the drama in regard to Vince McMahon and the publicity and all the things that could've gone absolutely haywire for just about any other company. Get through all of that, enter into a negotiation with Endeavor to sell the company for $9 billion, which is much higher than what industry experts thought could possibly sell for when the sale was announced, yet it did. Now, in the midst of all that, to be producing this kind of result is just phenomenal."


WWE announced its second quarter earnings on Wednesday. The company raked in a record-breaking $410.3 million in revenue, which was up 25%. WWE has also touted record-breaking attendance, gates, merchandise sales, and viewership this year.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Strictly Business" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

