Rob Van Dam Not A Fan Of Pranks, Recalls Witnessing One Played On Shawn Stasiak

Recent AEW debut Rob Van Dam has always had a sense of humor, but it seems Van Dam isn't the biggest prankster. Speaking on his podcast, "1 Of A Kind," the WWE Hall of Famer was asked about Curt Hennig's reputation for pranks and gave his thoughts on "ribs" in pro wrestling.


"I'm not a fan of the ribs, you know what I mean?" Van Dam said. The WWE Hall of Famer then shared one story of a particularly cruel prank that stood out in his mind. "Shawn Stasiak and I were riding together. Curt always had it in for Shawn. He always treated him like a young brother he didn't like or something. ... Curt used to wrestle with Shawn's dad, ... so he always gave Shawn a hard time — ridiculously hard — and Shawn resented him for it."

During a trip through a small airport, possibly after an international flight, Van Dam recalled Stasiak grabbing his luggage off the cart, setting it down to help someone else, and then turning around to find the luggage missing. Stasiak's bag contained his credit cards, identification, and a video camera with sentimental tapes, likely of his family.


"Everybody knew that Curt took it, but he would never, ever admit it," Van Dam continued. "He was so committed, and it became a bit of an issue. ... After the matches, we had to go back to the airport — me and Shawn did — so he could try and look [at the] security cameras and try to find this missing bag."

Van Dam shared that referee Earl Hebner pleaded with Hennig to reveal the location of the bag, but Hennig continued to deny that he had anything to do with it. However, Stasiak never located his missing luggage.

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "1 of a Kind" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

