Bully Ray Is Pissed Off About Perceived Inequity In AEW: 'It Didn't Seem Fair'

CM Punk has once again picked up the Mandate of Heaven and is claiming his right to call himself "AEW World Champion," having never lost the belt, which left "Busted Open" host Bully Ray scratching his head.


"The first thing I thought of was Thunder Rosa," Ray said after watching Punk's promo from "AEW Collision" this past Saturday. "Punk had to relinquish the title? He gets ten-plus minutes in-ring on live TV. Thunder Rosa has to relinquish the title? She gets a minute in the back ... it didn't make sense. It didn't seem fair."

Bully believes that Rosa not having a similar response to being stripped of her title means that AEW either "couldn't care less" about the women's division or her place in it.

"Hopefully, fingers crossed, pretty please, with sugar on top, for Winston Wolf, give Thunder Rosa the same amount of TV time to say the same things and have her mirror CM Punk," Bully pleaded. "I don't care if she busts a match. I don't care if she busts somebody's promo. I don't care if it's TV time just dedicated to her. Thunder Rosa says, 'CM Punk says exactly what I wanted to say because we have the same damn situation because I never lost this title either.'"


Bully Ray has been a strong proponent of AEW giving more time and attention to its women's division, recently saying that he was puzzled by how little the company seems to invest in its women's division and that the company seems to have created a wide gulf between Dr. Britt Baker and the rest of the division.

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Busted Open" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

