WWE SmackDown Results 7/28 - Roman Reigns & Jey Uso Appear, Finals For US Title Invitational

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE SmackDown" on July 28, 2023, coming to you live from the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans, Louisiana!

Before Roman Reigns and Jey Uso collide in Tribal Combat with the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship and the title of Tribal Chief on the line, the two men are both scheduled to make appearances on tonight's show. Jey has made it no secret that he's seeking retribution on Reigns since "The Head Of The Table" and Solo Sikoa heinously attacked his brother Jimmy Uso three weeks ago.


The next Number One Contender for Austin Theory's United States Championship will be determined, as Rey Mysterio goes one-on-one with Santos Escobar in the finals of the United States Championship Invitationals. Rey overcame LA Knight, Sheamus, and Cameron Grimes in a Fatal Four-Way semi-finals match while Escobar defeated Grayson Waller, Butch, and AJ Styles.

Speaking of Styles, as the issues between himself and Karrion Kross continue to mound, Kross will be colliding with Styles' fellow O.C. teammate Karl Anderson. Kross blinded Anderson and Luke Gallows with a backstage attack on the July 14 episode of "SmackDown", costing Styles his aforementioned United States Championship semi-finals match.


Additionally, Women's Champion Asuka, Bianca Belair, Charlotte Flair, and Bobby Lashley are all slated to be in town.

We are live! Michael Cole and Wade Barrett greet audiences at home as Jey Uso is waiting inside the ring.

Roman Reigns and Jey Uso Come Face-To-Face

Jey says he is now in New Orleans, but before he can go any further, Roman Reigns' music hits and he appears alongside Solo Sikoa and Paul Heyman.

Reigns calls for New Orleans to acknowledge him, then claims to be the reason the WWE Universe loves The Usos. He says Jey has forgotten that he's the one to open the show, and says he's the one who made Jey "The Right Hand Man" and the "Main Event". He says now that Jey no longer has any of what he once did, he thinks he's the one who opens shows.  


Jey says he never wanted any of that, because all he wanted to do is have Reigns' back and support him. He says he stuck by Reigns throughout the last three years because he believed in him, but Reigns broke up their family and now he has to do what he has to. Reigns says none of that is on him because Jey is the one at fault, then reminds Jey that the only reason he was the right hand man was due to the fact that Jimmy was injured. He says he stole an opportunity from Jimmy, and Sikoa loves and respects him less than he does. Reigns says once things end at WWE SummerSlam, Jey will be done but in the event that he somehow manages to lose, then he does take everything from him but he will still have his name value. He tells Jey that he is alone, then asks why he thinks he can beat him. Jey reminds Reigns that he already has a victory over him and says he'll do it again at SummerSlam.


Rey Mysterio then makes his way down to the ring. 

Back from the break, we see Jey Uso run into Grayson Waller backstage. Waller invites Jey to be a guest on "The Grayson Waller Effect", but Jey declines to do so and opts to slap Waller instead. 

Back at ringside, Santos Escobar heads down. 

Rey Mysterio vs. Santos Escobar in the Finals Of The United States Championship Invitationals

The two men shake hands before the bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds as we see Austin Theory eating popcorn and watching the action from a suite. Escobar slaps Rey, but Rey responds with a dropkick for his knee and dials it up for the 619. Escobar slides out of the ring, and Rey levels him.


Back from the break, Rey delivers a senton off the top rope. He follows it up with a springboard crossbody and goes for a pin, but Escobar kicks out. Escobar delivers a pair of flying shoulder tackles and an enziguri, then ascends to the top and lands a crossbody. Rey fires back with a Sunset Flip, but Escobar hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He looks to catapult Rey into the top turnbuckle, but Rey lands on the top rope. Escobar gets him in an Electric Chair position, then gets him out of the ring and looks to plant him with a powerbomb. Mysterio counters into a hurricanrana that sends Escobar face first into the ring apron and gets back in the ring, looking to fly. Escobar avoids the maneuver and levels Rey with a tope suicida.


Back from another break, we see the ringside physician checking on Rey after being injured while taking the tope suicida from Escobar. The referee calls off the match as a result of the injury, and announces Escobar as the winner of the match.

Winner: Santos Escobar (due to referee stoppage)

Rey and Escobar hug in the ring after the match and show their respect for one another.

We then head backstage to Bianca Belair and Kayla Braxton discussing Belair's Triple Threat match for the Women's Championship at SummerSlam. Chelsea Green and Sonya Deville walk in and start complaining about their lack of a celebration after 11 days as Women Tag Team Champions. Belair calls them out for disrespecting her and challenges them to a Triple Threat match between the three of them before Charlotte Flair enters and says she needs Belair at 100% ahead of the upcoming Premium Live Event. She offers to be Belair's partner in a tag team match. Belair declines her offer, but Flair insists and heads off to talk to Adam Pearce.

Back from the break, Hit Row is waiting in the ring mocking the crowd. LA Knight's music hits, and he makes his way down to the ring. He mocks Top Dolla and B-Fab, then tells Ashante "Thee" Adnois he will beat him.


LA Knight vs. Ashante Adnois

The bell rings and Adonis wastes no time. He rains down right hands before B-Fab distracts the referee and Top Dolla takes a cheap shot at Knight. Knight manages to land a neckbreaker and clocks Top Dolla, then delivers a powerslam to Adonis and follows it up with an elbow drop. He then executes BFT for the win.


Winner: LA Knight

We then head backstage and see Adam Pearce approach Jey Uso. Pearce tells Jey that Grayson Waller has been badgering him for a one-on-one match in light of their confrontation earlier tonight, and Jey agrees to participate.

Charlotte Flair and then heads down to the ring. 

Back from the break, we see The Street Profits having a drink with Bobby Lashley. Lashley says Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams spoke very highly of them, and says they should be dressing like stars. He offers the two of them a variety of suits, and The Profits thank him. 

Back at ringside, Bianca Belair, Sonya Deville and Chelsea Green head down.

Bianca Belair and Charlotte Flair vs. Sonya Deville and Chelsea Green

Belair and Green begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Belair delivers a shoulder tackle and runs the ropes. Flair tags herself in and delivers a kick to Green's head to the frustration of Belair. She then sends Green's head repeatedly crashing into the mat before tagging Belair back in. Belair delivers a bodyslam, but Green tags in Deville. Belair catches Deville with a bodyslam of her own, then delivers a springboard moonsault.


Deville fires off right hands on Belair in the corner, but Belair fires back with a single leg dropkick. She rains down right hands on Deville in the corner, but Green tries interfering. Belair dumps her out of the ring, allowing Deville to deliver a running kick. 

Back from the break, Green tags in and Belair catches her with a boot to her face. Green and Deville double team on Belair, but Belair plants them both with a double suplex. Flair tags in and delivers a crossbody to Green and Deville, then fires off chops on Green. She then delivers a Fallaway Slam, but Green responds with a back elbow and tags in Deville. Flair catches Green with a Spear, then rolls up Deville. Deville kicks out, and Flair delivers a Fallaway Slam to her. She then looks for the Figure Eight Leg Lock, but Devile sends her crashing into the middle turnbuckle. Belair tags herself in and delivers a pair of shoulder tackles to Deville, then follows it up with a single leg dropkick and a Brainbuster. She rains down right hands on Deville in the corner before Green tags in. Belair plants Deville with a spinebuster and Green looks for Unprettier as Deville runs the ropes. Flair trips her as Belair sends Green into the middle turnbuckle and gets her up on her shoulders. Flair tags herself in and delivers a boot to Green, knocking her off Belair's shoulders. Belair asks Flair what she's doing before Flair pins Green for the win.


Winners: Bianca Belair and Charlotte Flair

After the match, Belair and Flair continue arguing.

We then head backstage to Damage CTRL, where Bayley discovers a message from Shotzi in her backpack. Asuka walks in and tells IYO SKY if she tries cashing in her Money In The Bank briefcase, she will regret it. SKY then says it doesn't matter who wins the Triple Threat for the Women's Championship at SummerSlam because she will be walking out as the titleholder.

Back from the break, we see LA Knight walk into Adam Pearce's office. He requests to be added to the newly announced Battle Royal at SummerSlam. The Brawling Brutes then walk in and Sheamus asks to be added as well. Pearce agrees to add them both to it and makes a singles match between Knight and Sheamus official for next week.

Karrion Kross and Scarlett then head down to the ring. Karl Anderson follows. 

Karl Anderson vs. Karrion Kross (w/ Scarlett)

The bell rings and Anderson wastes no time. He fires off right hands and chops on Kross, then lands a series of uppercuts. He ascends to the middle rope and delivers a neckbreaker, but Kross delivers a kick to the back of Anderson's knee with a little assist from Scarlett. He follows it up with a back suplex and the Kross Hammer, then executes The Final Prayer for the win.


Winner: Karrion Kross

After the match, Kross locks in the Kross Jacket. The O.C. runs down to the ring to provide Anderson with a helping hand.

Jey Uso then heads down to the ring as we see Roman Reigns, Paul Heyman, and Solo Sikoa watching on from backstage. Grayson Waller follows.

Jey Uso vs. Grayson Waller

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before Waller lands a shoulder tackle. He sends Jey crashing face first into the middle turnbuckle, but Jey fires back with a bodyslam and stomps Waller's hand. He follows it up with an enziguri and looks for the Hip Attack, but Roman Reigns' music hits, distracting him. Reigns then emerges alongside Paul Heyman and Solo Sikoa to watch the action from ringside. Waller takes advantage and delivers a knee to Jey's head. 


Back from the break, Jey delivers a jaw breaker to Waller. Waller delivers an elbow drop off the middle rope, but Jey fires back with a superkick. Waller delivers a spinebuster, then mocks The Rock by removing his elbow pad and looking for his own version of The People's Elbow. Jey rolls out of the way and delivers a Samoan Drop. He looks for a Hip Attack, but Waller rolls out of the ring. He follows it up with a superkick and stares down Reigns before delivering a Spear. He then ascends to the top and delivers The Uso Splash for the win.

Winner: Jey Uso 

After the match, Sikoa slides in the ring and attacks Jey. He looks for a Samoan Spike, but Jey ducks it and lands a superkick. Reigns then looks to attack him, but Jey catches him with a Spear and looks for The Uso Splash. Sikoa pushes him off the top rope and executes Spinning Solo. Sikoa looks for the Samoan Spike and hits it as Reigns delivers a Spear to Jey. Reigns berates Jey before himself and Sikoa deliver the Spear-Samoan Spike combination for a second time.

