'Book The Women's Division Better' Sign On AEW Dynamite Has Wrestling World Talking

The July 26 episode of "AEW Dynamite" featured plenty of in-ring action, but a crowd sign is proving to be one of the main talking points from the show. Following the match between Britt Baker and Taya Valkyrie, the camera cut to a fan holding up a sign that took aim at the company's booking of the women's division. The wrestling world has since shared its thoughts on the matter, as well as AEW's general handling of its women's roster.


Former WWE, WCW, and ECW star Lance Storm took to Twitter afterward and shared a photo of the sign in question. However, he used it as an opportunity to promote Impact Wrestling's acclaimed Knockouts Division, as opposed to dragging on AEW for bad booking.

The @WrestlePurists account, meanwhile, shared the photo and echoed what many fans and pundits were thinking at the time. "Awkward...," they wrote. Several social media users also commented on the timing of the shot, as it occurred following a women's match that's received some criticism from fans. As Twitter user @peach4peeps noted, "[Showing the] "book the women's division better" sign for like 45 seconds after that match is so nasty."


Glenn Gilberti, aka Disco Inferno, also commented on the sign, but he appeared to take issue with it from an AEW production standpoint. "The cameraman and the director did a great job of getting the "Book The Women's Division Better" sign in the crowd focused on. smh," he tweeted.

Elsewhere, Wrestling Inc.'s Senior Lead News Editor, Miles Schneiderman, was critical of AEW's handling of the women's division in his analysis of last night's episode of "Dynamite." He noted that Taya Valkyrie's loss against Britt Baker has further derailed her momentum. The column also argues that there are no real storylines currently happening in the division, unless one counts last night's video package for Nyla Rose vs. Hikaru Shida.

