Road Dogg Fantasy Books WWE WrestleMania Tag Team Main Event For New Age Outlaws

These days, Brian "Road Dogg" James works for WWE as the Senior Vice President of Live Events while Billy Gunn wrestles for AEW. But in their heyday as a unit, the New Age Outlaws ran roughshod over the tag team division as members of D-Generation X, racking up six tag team championship reigns between the two of them. So what if they could headline WrestleMania against any other tag team right now? On a recent episode of "Oh...You Didn't Know," James didn't hesitate in booking his answer.


"I don't live in yesterday, Jack, I live in today," he started. "So I want an opportunity at those Undisputed, blended Tag Team Championships from Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn." However, the WWE Hall of Famer had one stipulation, adding "But I want me and Billy in our prime ... I want us then. I want us in '98 versus Kevin and them now." 

Owens and Zayn have been champs since WrestleMania 39 when they capped off Night One by defeating The Usos and ending their historic reign. Not to mention, the lifelong friends have wrestled with each other and teamed together for nearly the entirety of their careers. But as it pertains to this particular match, James believes there are similarities between the 1998 version of the New Age Outlaws and the current champs.


"I'll tell you why: Kevin and Sami both go. They go at it," he continued. "If you ever watch their matches, if you ever watch Kevin work with GUNTHER, he ain't scared of a lick. And I mean he will, they will lay stuff in. That's exactly where me and Billy were in '98 is young and hungry and willing to find out."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Oh...You Didn't Know" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

