WWE Raw Results 7/10 - Six-Man Tag Team Match, No Disqualification Match

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "WWE Raw" on July 10, 2023, coming to you live from the KeyBank Center in Buffalo, New York!

Cody Rhodes has something to say to Brock Lesnar following the massive brawl that occurred between them in the opening moments of last week's episode of "Raw". The issues between the two men have not been a secret, with both men currently holding a win over one another following their encounters at WWE Backlash and WWE Night of Champions earlier this year.


Dominik Mysterio went one-on-one with World Heavyweight Champion Seth "Freakin" Rollins in a non title match last week, but ultimately came up short after his Judgment Day teammate Damian Priest caused a disqualification on his behalf. Tonight, he will have another chance to get his hands on Rollins as the two square off in a rematch.

Tommaso Ciampa is set to collide with The Miz in a No Disqualification Match. The former allies have not been shy about their disdain for one another, blindsiding each other with attacks over the past couple of weeks following the return of Ciampa on the June 19 edition of "WWE Raw".

Drew McIntyre will be making his long-awaited return to in-ring competition as he joins forces with Matt Riddle to take on Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci. Kaiser, Vinci, and their Imperium teammate GUNTHER have been seeking retribution against Riddle for perceived disrespect towards them and McIntyre for confronting GUNTHER during WWE's Money In The Bank Premium Live Event.


Additionally, Alpha Academy will be hosting Maxxine Dupri a Graduation Ceremony in light of her teaming with Chad Gable to defeat The Viking Raiders and Valhalla during her in-ring debut last week and the subsequent victory that ensued. Logan Paul is also set to face off with Ricochet in the ring following their recent issues with one another.

We are live! Corey Graves and Kevin Patrick greet audiences at home as Finn Balor makes his way down to the ring.

Finn Balor Airs Out His Grievances With Damian Priest

Balor says the way things went down for him in his World Heavyweight Championship match against Seth "Freakin" Rollins hasn't sat well with him. He says that the reason he's still at odds with Rollins is because of Damian Priest.


Priest's music hits, but instead of him, Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio make their way to the ring. Ripley tells Balor that his issues with Priest should be dealt with backstage instead of in front of the world. Balor says Priest ruined his opportunity to capture gold and begins arguing with Ripley about how to handle things in the ring. He becomes angered and leaves.

Ripley says the only business that the WWE Universe needs to be concerned about is that Judgment Day still runs "Raw". She then says anyone who has an issue with that can come to the ring and air out their grievances before confidently saying that Dominik will defeat Rollins later tonight.

Rollins' music hits and he appears with a plate of Buffalo wings in hand as Dominik calls for his music to be cut. He says he will not be disrespected, and Rollins tells him that no one came to hear him run his mouth. He says everyone is here to watch Judgment Day implode, and Dominik says the only thing that will implode is Rollins' head. 


Drew McIntyre and Matt Riddle then make their way down to the ring. 

Back from the break, we head backstage to Damian Priest. Ripley and Dominik walk in, and Priest says that went exactly how he thought it would. Ripley tells Priest to solve things with Balor, and Priest says he'll talk to him again.

Imperium then makes their way down to the ring.

Imperium (w/ GUNTHER) vs. Matt Riddle and Drew McIntyre

Riddle and Kaiser begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before Riddle lands a pair of gut-wrench suplexes. McIntyre and Vinci both tag in, and McIntyre delivers a vicious clothesline to Vinci. Riddle tags in and lands a double team maneuver with McIntyre, then uses the ropes as leverage to lock in an arm submission while the referee is distracted. Kaiser then tags in and delivers a baseball dropkick to Riddle that sends him crashing to the outside. 


Back from the break, Vinci delivers a big boot to Riddle and tags in Kaiser. Kaiser and Riddle then go back and forth with right hands before Riddle delivers a kick to Kaiser's head. Kaiser plants him, but Riddle fires back with an overhead kick. Vinci tags in and lands a Brainbuster with some assistance from Kaiser. Kaiser and Vinci for the Imperium Bomb, but Riddle avoids it and tags in McIntyre. McIntyre catches Kaiser and Vinci with neckbreakers, then plants Vinci with a powerbomb and sets up for the Claymore Kick. Kaiser tries interfering, but McIntyre takes him down. GUNTHER tries to do the same, but Riddle levels him. McIntyre then slides back in the ring and lands the Claymore Kick on Vinci. He pins him for the win as Riddle cinches in an Ankle Lock on Kaiser.


Winners: Drew McIntyre and Matt Riddle

After the match, GUNTHER chews out Vinci on their way to the back.

We then head backstage to Judgment Day. Damian Priest and Finn Balor begin talking to each other, but Rhea Ripley puts an end to it and tells them to talk nice. Priest explains that he never intended to cost Balor his World Heavyweight Championship match, then says they can go back to the way things were between Judgment Day. Balor agrees, but under the condition he gets his hands on Seth "Freakin" Rollins and his title first. Priest agrees, and the two seemingly make up. Priest says things are covered either way and holds up his Money In The Bank briefcase before heading out with Ripley and Dominik Mysterio.

Back from the break, we head to a video recapping what occurred during Roman Reign's trial in Tribal Court this past Friday on "WWE SmackDown".

We then head backstage to Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, and Cathy Kelley. Kelley asks Owens and Zayn what's next for them in their Undisputed Tag Team Championship reign, and while they're unsure, they say they'll take on any team at any time at any place. Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio then walk in and put them on notice.

Ripley and Dominik then make their way down to the ring. Seth "Freakin" Rollins follows. 


Chaos Ensues Between Judgment Day & Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

Dominik blindsides Rollins as he looks to enter the ring. Rollins fights back and looks to chase Dominik through the crowd and into the ring. Finn Balor and Damian Priest blindside him and beat him down in the timekeeper's area. Priest sends Rollins crashing face first into the announce desk and delivers a right hand before Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn run down to the ring to provide a hand to Rollins. Priest and Balor slide out of the ring as Rollins grabs a chair and hits Dominik with it.


Back from the break, commentary announces that a Six-Man Tag Team Match between Judgment Day and Rollins, Owens, and Zayn will take place later tonight. 

Ricochet then makes his way down to the ring. 

Logan Paul Meets Ricochet Face-To-Face In The Ring

Ricochet says everyone knows why he's here, but before he gets down to business, he says he walks through the curtain and tries to be here for the fans and the highlight of everyone's night. He says tonight is a little different because he's here for one specific person: Logan Paul. He says Paul has accomplished a lot in WWE, and the two have encountered one another on multiple occasions including Money In The Bank. He voices his frustrations with Paul's recent comments about him on his podcast and calls him out to the ring.


Paul's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Paul calls Ricochet a little boy and says he's a human highlight reel. He says he stands by his comments and says Ricochet was a reckless amateur at Money In The Bank. Ricochet says no one wanted to see Paul capture the Money In The Bank briefcase and says he wouldn't be standing in the center of the ring if he were unprofessional. He says he wanted to challenge Paul to a match, but now that he's out here, all he wants to do is hurt him. He tells Paul to keep his name out of his mouth.

Paul questions what happens if he doesn't do what Ricochet says, and says he doesn't care about going viral because he is a WWE Superstar. He says he has a legendary knockout punch while Ricochet is about replays and clips.


Ricochet then flies over the top rope and out of the ring to show off his skills. Paul says that was cool for a TikTok, but he isn't a TikToker because he is the moment. He says things won't work out.

Paul looks to blindside Ricochet with a right hand, but Ricochet ducks out of the ring and delivers a Sliced Bread off of the apron.

Becky Lynch then makes her way down to the ring. Zoey Stark and Trish Stratus follow. 

Becky Lynch vs. Zoey Stark (w/ Trish Stratus)

The bell rings and the two lock up. Stark lands a shoulder tackle, but Lynch quickly recovers and plants Stark face first. She then hits a dropkick and a pair of arm drags. She looks to run the ropes, but Stratus trips her, allowing Stark to fire off stomps on Lynch in the corner. Lynch fires back with an uppercut and a kick before Stark delivers a dropkick off the top rope.


Back from the break, Lynch looks for a crossbody out of the corner. Stark rolls through and gets Lynch up on her shoulders, but Lynch escapes ands ends Stark crashing to the outside. She delivers a basement dropkick, then lands a right hand and repeatedly tosses Stark into the barricade. She gets her back in the ring and plants Stark, then ascends to the top and looks to go flying. Stark ducks out of the way and sweeps Lynch off her feet, then goes flying off the apron and back in the ring.

Lynch looks to lock in the Dis-Arm-Her, but Stark rolls her up. Lynch kicks out and looks to lock in the submission a second time, but Stark plants Lynch with a superkick and rains down right hands. She gets Lynch up on her shoulders, but Lynch escapes and rolls her up. Stark reverses the roll to pin Lynch with her hand on the ropes, but the referee catches her. Lynch levels Stratus on the outside, opening the door for Stark to roll up Lynch for the win.


Winner: Zoey Stark

Back from the break, Chad Gable and Otis are waiting in the ring.

Alpha Academy Hosts Maxxine Dupri A Graduation Ceremony

Gable thanks Buffalo for coming out, then says himself and Otis are here to talk about the achievements of the first female graduate of Alpha Academy: Maxxine Dupri.

Dupri makes her way down to the ring. Gable presents her with her diploma, and Dupri thanks him. She says her first impression of Gable was not a good one, but he turned out to be a good mentor and a good friend. She credits Gable's training as the reason she won her debut match, and thanks Otis for being her twin flame and rock. She thanks the fans for accepting her and helping her to become a star.


Gable and Otis then put on their Alpha Academy varsity jackets and present her with one of her own.

The Viking Raiders' music hits, and the duo appear alongside Valhalla. Valhalla attacks Dupri and steals her jacket.

Back from the break, Shayna Baszler makes her way down to the ring. Emma is already waiting inside.

Shayna Baszler vs. Emma

The bell rings and Baszler delivers a kick to Emma's thigh. Emma lands a boot across her face, then follows it up with the Emma-mite Sandwich. Baszler then fires off right hands on her face and stomps on her arm, then locks in the Kirifuda Clutch for the win.


Winner: Shayna Baszler

After the match, Ronda Rousey marches down to the ring and attacks Baszler. She rains down elbows and looks to lock in an Arm Bar, but Baszler blocks it and manages to slide out of the ring. 

Back from the break, Cody Rhodes makes his way down to the ring.

Cody Rhodes Puts Brock Lesnar On Notice

Rhodes asks Buffalo what they want to talk about, then says he knows there's millions of people on the other side of the camera. He asks for their forgiveness for turning his back to the camera because he wants to see everyone in the KeyBank Center, and says there can sometimes feel like an invisible wall between the crowd and the ring, but not for him. He says things don't feel performative for him because they're real.


Rhodes recalls being asked about his momentum during the Money In The Bank press conference and says the crowd gets louder with each crowd, but his momentum in the ring is a little bit shaky because there is a mountain standing in front of him that he has to go through. He says that mountain is Brock Lesnar, and while Lesnar isn't in Buffalo, everyone has a Lesnar of their own. He says a Lesnar is something that impedes everyone, and for him, it's a 6'3" behemoth. He says he dreams of a rubber match with Lesnar at WWE Summerslam, and says nothing would make him happier than shaking Lesnar's hand in person. He says even if he doesn't shake his hand, he'll finish the chapter of Lesnar. Rhodes then says he will be next in line and heads to the back. 


The Miz then makes his way down to the ring. Tommaso Ciampa follows.

Tommaso Ciampa vs. The Miz in a No Disqualification Match

Ciampa grabs a chair from the crowd. Miz meets him on the outside, and Ciampa sends him crashing into the barricade and the ring apron. He slides into the ring, and the bell sounds. The action spills back to the outside, and Ciampa sends Miz face first into the announce desk. He then sends him tumbling over it, then sits him in one of the chairs and delivers a chop. He follows it up with a knee and tosses him back in the ring, then looks to plant Miz on top of it with the Fairy Tale Ending. Miz escapes and delivers a vicious kick, then whips him into the corner and delivers a splash. He ascends to the top and looks to go flying, but Ciampa catches him with a chair mid-air. The action returns to the outside, and Ciampa slides The Miz's head into the chair. He then sends him crashing into the ring post. 


Back from the break, Ciampa looks to pull a table out from under the ring, but Miz kicks him over the announce desk and tumbling on top of Kevin Patrick. Miz puts the table back under the ring before Ciampa catches him with a knee that sends him into the announce desk face first. He clears off the items on top of it, then sends Miz crashing into the barricade near the timekeepers area from the top of it. CIampa then grabs a chair and a garbage can lid and dumps those in the ring before grabbing the table and sliding it inside.

Miz catches Ciampa with a knee as he slides back inside, then sends him into the top turnbuckle face first and delivers a couple of kicks. He picks up the garbage can lid and ascends to the middle rope, looking to hit Ciampa with it. Ciampa catches Miz with a knee, then fires off stomps in the corner and follows it up with a few more knees using the garbage can lid. He then sets up the table in the center of the ring and sits Miz on the top turnbuckle. He meets him up on the middle rope and delivers an Air Raid Crash through the table and pins him. Bronson Reed pulls him out of the ring and delivers a splash. He follows it up with an elbow and tosses Ciampa back into the ring before he ascends to the top and delivers the Tsunami. Reed heads to the back and Miz crawls over to Ciampa, pinning him for the win.


Winner: The Miz

Raquel Rodriguez and Liv Morgan make their way down to the ringside to watch the following match-up. Chelsea Green and Sonya Deville, and Kayden Carter and Katana Chance follow.

Chelsea Green and Sonya Deville vs. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance

Carter and Deville begin the action. The bell rings and Carter delivers a kick to Deville. Chance tags in and wears down Deville, then tags Carter back in. Green makes the blind tag before Deville delivers a few knees and Green plants Carter. She sends Carter into the middle turnbuckle and sits her on the top one. Carter manages to get Green into an Eletric Chair position, but Green escapes. Chance then tags in, and goes flying off Carter's shoulders. She goes for a pin, but Deville breaks the fall. Carter levels Deville as Chance rolls up Green. Green kicks out and manages to pin Chance (putting her feet on the ropes as Deville holds them in place) for the win.


Winners: Sonya Deville and Chelsea Green

Seth "Freakin" Rollins, Kevin Owens, and Sami Zayn then make their way down to the ring. Judgment day follows. 

Judgment Day (w/ Rhea Ripley) vs. Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

Rollins and Dominik begin the action. The bell rings and Dominik slides out of the ring. Rollins chases Dominik back in the ring before Balor tags in. Balor wears down Rollins, then tags in Priest. Rollins fires off chops on him, then sends Priest into the middle turnbuckle.


Mayhem ensues, and the six men go at it on the outside. Owens ascends to the top and levels everyone on the outside with a Swanton Bomb off the top. 

Back from the break, Priest targets Owens' arm and tosses him in the corner. He delivers a splash before Balor tags in and lands a backbreaker. Priest tags in and lands a leg drop, then tags Balor back in. Owens fires back with a DDT, but manages to tag in Rollins. Dominik tags in, and Rollins delivers a kick to his face. He follows it up with a right hand and a superkick, then goes for a pin but Dominik kicks out.

Priest tags in and delivers a clothesline, then looks for South Of Heaven. Rollins escapes and lands a Pedigree, then goes for a pin. Balor breaks the fall and rains down right hands. He calls for Priest to tag him in, and he does. Balor lands a Sling Blade, but Rollins plants him face first. Dominik tags in and delivers a Frog Splash. Balor then tags in and executes another Sling Blade.


Zayn tags in and ascends to the top. He delivers a crossbody and goes for a pin, but Balor kicks out. Balor delivers a missile dropkick to Zayn in the corner, then ascends to the top and delivers a Coup De Grace. Zayn avoids it and delivers a Blue Thunder Bomb, then follows it up with an Exploder Suplex. Ripley trips up Zayn and distracts the referee, allowing Priest to hit South Of Heaven. Balor then delivers Coup De Grace for the win.

Winners: Judgment Day

After the match, Priest and Balor hug it out in the ring.

