Jeff Jarrett Discusses Joining AEW Stable, Elaborates On Upside Of Satnam Singh

Former professional basketball player Satnam Singh is one of AEW's most formidable wrestlers, standing 7 feet, 2 inches tall. While he's only taken part in a handful of matches so far, Singh's stablemate Jeff Jarrett believes the Punjab, India native has a ton of future potential as a wrestler. Speaking on his podcast, "My World," Jarrett explained how he came to be paired up with the towering AEW star before discussing Singh's upside.


"Me and Sonjay [Dutt] have been best buds since — oh, I don't know — seven, eight, nine years," Jarrett said. "He worked for me in TNA. ... [When] I was still with WWE, I told him, 'I heard you all signed an Indian,' and he kind of knows my fandom, but also kind of my business thought process on India. He said, 'Oh, Jeff — he's only had a few matches, but [he has a] great mindset, [and he's] a hell of an athlete.'"

Jarrett explained that he spoke with Dutt more at Ric Flair's Final Match, which is also the event that set Jarrett on the road to working with AEW. A few months later, Jarrett had departed WWE and was soon hired by AEW, with Dutt and Singh already paired up onscreen. It didn't take very long for Jarrett to join the group, which also included TNA veteran and Jarrett ally Jay Lethal.


Jarrett On Singh's Potential

Jarrett began working with Singh up close, and the AEW Director of Business Development quickly saw a future for the big man. While his size is quite apparent, Jarrett believes Singh has more to offer than fans have been able to see so far, especially if AEW is interested in expanding into the untapped market of India.


"I knew that [Satnam] was an NBA basketball player, so to even get remotely close to that, you have to have the athletic ability," Jarrett continued. "I think he has the most upside on the entire AEW roster as an up-and-comer. You can't create a 7-foot-4 highly-athletic guy from India. ... If you exclude the Indian market, I'm not sure I'd say that. But being that the Indian market, I believe, is the ... next frontier to really be capitalized on, I just think we're just waiting. It's coming. Satnam has ... every tool in the toolbox to be a major, major star in India. ... Some progress has got to be made, as far as the industry of professional wrestling, in India."

Being more than seven feet tall, Jarrett noted that every move Singh makes will be studied "under a microscope," which can't be helped. However, Jarrett said that he's seen first-hand the progress Singh has made, and it's clear that the veteran sees great things in the future of the Indian performer.


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "My World" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

