Kris Statlander Sizes Up The AEW Women's Division

Kris Statlander is at the forefront of the AEW women's division as the new TBS Champion. As such, she is now pushing to see that part of the roster get more opportunities in the spotlight. Statlander admitted to Haus Of Wrestling that it is hard to give everybody the time they deserve as the women generally don't get as much anyway. 


"I wish we did have more time so we could showcase all these amazing women that we have," she said. "It just shows how talented and strong our roster is, and I just wish we get the chance to showcase that more often."

AEW will be launching "Collision" this week, providing Tony Khan with more television hours to use, which the champ sees as a good opportunity for underused talent. She doesn't believe there will be a hard roster split dividing talent between the shows. However, if needed, she certainly thinks there's enough wrestlers to cover it.

"I think people don't realize how much women there actually are, because it is a very small fraction of the show most of the time," she said. "I don't think it's going to be much of an issue, especially with the opportunity to go to possibly get to go to both shows. I think we will be able to provide what people are hoping for. I think we will be able to step up and make it worth it."


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit Haus Of Wrestling with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

