AEW Rampage Results 6/9 - Four-Way Number One Contenders Match, Two Trios Bouts

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Rampage" on June 9, 2023, coming to you from the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs, Colorado!

A huge four-way match is set for tonight, as Dr. Britt Baker DMD collides with Skye Blue, Nyla Rose and Mercedes Martinez. The winner will receive a title match against recently crowned AEW Women's World Champion Toni Storm. Storm dethroned Jamie Hayter at Double or Nothing on May 28 with a little help from her Outcasts teammates, Ruby Soho and Saraya.


The Acclaimed and "Daddy Ass" Billy Gunn have been racking up wins over the past few weeks, and tonight, they look to add another one under their belts as they go head-to-head with Spanish Announce Project. Another trios match is slated for tonight, as ROH World Tag Team Champions Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix join forces with Bandido to take on Ethan Page, Big Bill, and Lee Moriarty. The latter three have a storied history, having been members of The Firm up until the dissolution of the group following The Firm Deletion Match at The Hardy Compound during the May 5 edition of "Rampage".

Additionally, Powerhouse Hobbs will be making his return to televised action against an opponent who has yet to be named. Hobbs was last featured on May 5, joining forces with QT Marshall and Aaron Solo in a losing effort to the aforementioned Lucha Brothers and El Hijo del Vikingo.


We are live! Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone greet audiences at home as The Lucha Brothers, Bandido, Ethan Page, Big Bill, and Lee Moriarty are waiting in the ring.

The Lucha Brothers and Bandido vs. Ethan Page, Big Bill, and Lee Moriarty

Page and Fenix begin the action. The bell rings and Page delivers a boot to Fenix's midsection. He follows it up with a hurricanrana, but Page fires back with one of his own and follows it up with another boot. He sets up for a delayed vertical suplex, but Fenix lands a dropkick.


Moriarty and Bandido tag in. They go back and forth with chops before Bandido hits a boot and a Tornado off the top rope. He follows it up with a tijeras. Bill and Penta then tag in. Penta delivers a thrust kick, then delivers two more kicks to Bills' thighs. Bandido and Fenix land a double superkick on Bill before Penta sets up for the package piledriver. Bill escapes, and Penta dumps him out of the ring. He looks to go flying, but Bill catches him with a right hand and sends him crashing into the barricade spine first. The pair get back in the ring, and Bill fires off right hands.

Back from the break, Bandido tags in and fires off right hands on Bill. Bill gains the upper hand and tags in Page. Page executes a powerslam before Bandido lands an enziguri and tags in Fenix. Fenix hits a superkick that sends Page tumbling out of the ring and looks to go flying. Bill puts a stop to him doing so, but The Lucha Brothers double team to take him out. Penta tags in and helps Bandido over the top rope to level Bill and Moriarty on the outside, then plants Page and goes for a pin. Page kicks out, and Fenix tags in. Fenix delivers a tightrope kick to Page's head.


Bandido tags in and sets up for a moonsault. Page gets his boots up and sets up for Ego's Edge, but The Hardys and Isiah Kassidy appear. Jeff Hardy tells Page to extend his good luck gifts, and Page pulls up his arm bands to reveal The Hardys signature one. This allows Bandido to hit 21 Plex for the win.

Winners: The Lucha Brothers and Bandido

Back from the break, Powerhouse Hobbs, QT Marshall, Aaron Solo, and Harley Cameron head down to the ring. Caleb Crush is already waiting inside.  

Powerhouse Hobbs (w/ QT Marshall, Aaron Solo and Harley Cameron) vs. Caleb Crush

The bell rings and Hobbs lands a back elbow. He follows it up with a clothesline before draping Crush across the top rope and landing a boot. Crush delivers an enziguri, but Hobbs responds with a right hand and a spinebuster for the win.


Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs

Spanish Announce Project then heads down to the ring. The Acclaimed and "Daddy Ass" Billy Gunn follow.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn vs. Spanish Announce Project

Angelico and Bowens begin the action. The bell rings and Bowens calls for Angelico to scissor him. He moves his hand away at the last second, then taunts him by doing it again. He tries to do it a third time, but Angelico calls him bluff and knocks him down. Bowens responds with a dropkick before Serpentico tags in. Caster tags in on his side and delivers an atomic drop to Serpentico. He follows it up with a Manhattan Drop, then dumps him out of the ring. Luther tries to interfere, but Gunn sends him crashing out of the ring. Caster holds Angelico in place as Bowens ascends to the top and hits Scissor Me Timbers. The Acclaimed and Gunn look to scissor, but Serpentico inserts himself to the trio. Gunn clocks him after pretending like he wants to scissor him. The trio once again look to scissor, but Luther gets in the way.


Back from the break, Gunn and Luther tag in. Gunn hits Serpentico with a Fallaway Slam that sends him crashing into Luther, then tags in Bowens. Bowens and Caster deliver a dropkick-Fallaway Slam on Serpentico. Bowens then delivers The Arrival to Luther and tags in Caster, who delivers The Mic Drop for the win.

Winners: The Acclaimed and "Daddy Ass" Billy Gunn

After the match, The Acclaimed and Gunn scissor in the center of the ring. 

Karen Jarrett Calls Out Aubrey Edwards

Back at ringside, Renee Paquette introduces Jeff and Karen Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh, and Sonjay Dutt. Paquette asks Dutt what's going on with them, but Karen cuts him off and says Aubrey Edwards started something that she'll finish right now. She calls Edwards out to ringside. Mark Briscoe's music hits and he appears alongside Edwards. Edwards grabs a mic and tells Karen that AEW will not sanction a match between the two of them. She says if she sees Karen in catering, at a hotel, or interfering in Jeff's matches, she'll kick her ass.


Mark then grabs the mic and says while AEW will not sanction a match between Edwards and Karen, they will sanction a mixed trios tag team match. Dutt says Lethal will join forces with Jeff and Karen, then asks Mark and Edwards where their partner is. Mark tells Dutt not to take him for a fool, and says there was one man who told him not to trust the five of them in the first place: Papa Briscoe. He announces that he'll be their partner.

Back from the break, Skye Blue heads down to the ring. Nyla Rose, Mercedes Martinez, and Britt Baker follow. 

Skye Blue vs. Nyla Rose vs. Mercedes Martinez vs. Britt Baker in a Four-Way Number One Contenders Match

The bell rings and Rose goes after Blue while Martinez dumps Baker out of the ring and follows her. She jams her knee into Baker while Rose sends Blue into the top turnbuckle face first. Blue fires back with a back elbow to Rose and a boot to Martinez. She dumps Rose out of the ring, then delivers a hurricanrana to Martinez. Baker goes after Blue before Rose targets Baker. Martinez rains down right hands across Rose's spine, but Shafir (who was on the outside) gets her in a submission Hikaru Shida appears and chases Shafir to the back with a kendo stick in hand.


Back from the break, Rose has Shafir draped across the top rope. She climbs up to the top, but Baker pushes her off and sends her crashing to the outside. She then lands a Sling Blade on Martinez and follows it up with an elbow on Blue. Blue fires back with a thrust kick and an enziguri, then goes for a pin but Martinez breaks the fall. Baker locks in the Lockjaw on Martinez while Blue locks in another submission. Rose breaks the hold before Blue and Baker land a double superkick. Baker then lands a superkick on Blue, but Rose plants her and goes for a pin. Martinez breaks the fall with a running knee, then delivers a second knee to Rose and follows it up with a suplex. Baker connects with the Curb Stomp on Rose, but Martinez dumps her out of the ring. Baker pulls Martinez out to join her and fires off forearms, giving Blue the opportunity to hit Code Blue on Rose for the win.


Winner: Skye Blue

