Seth Rollins On Who Should Be Getting Opportunities For A WrestleMania Moment

This year's WWE WrestleMania saw Seth Rollins go one-on-one with internet sensation Logan Paul, who has been under WWE contract for the past year. Paul was just one of at least four people who are considered outside celebrities to appear during the two-night Hollywood supercard.


When asked about celebrity involvement during a recent episode of "My Love Letter to Wrestling," Rollins explained that full-time talent should get priority.

"I think it's a balance, right? Because we've got so many people on our roster and so many people make sacrifices year in and year out to be in the best position they can be in when it comes time for WrestleMania, and you want to reward that," Rollins said. "I think it's important to reward that sacrifice. But the other side of the coin is WrestleMania is a huge multimedia event and it always has been. You go all the way back to the first WrestleMania, it was built on the backs of Rock 'N' Wrestling Connection... so there is a place for that type of talent when used properly."


"There's a reason those people can't do this year-round," Rollins continued. "It's not their bag, and it's a difficult thing. There's only so many humans who can do this at the level that we do it, as regularly as we do. I just think it's important to highlight the people that really put in the time and make sure they're taken care of before we start handing out these huge spots to people who have gotten famous in other avenues."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "My Love Letter To Wrestling" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

