Sami Zayn Says Bloodline Story Could Be Extended For Years In WWE If Handled Properly

Sami Zayn may finally be done with The Bloodline after he and Kevin Owens defeated Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa at Night of Champions to retain their Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships. Still, that doesn't necessarily mean the story itself has to end. Appearing on "After the Bell" recently, Zayn discussed the impact the storyline has had on the general audience as well as why it could continue for years to come.


"Well, I am biased," Zayn stated when asked if The Bloodline story was the most well-thought-out story the industry had ever seen. "I think so ... I have every metric available to us backing up that sentiment."

Whether it's through viewership numbers, social media interaction, attendance, or even merchandise sales, Zayn says the impact of this storyline is there for all to see. He's even had fans approach him on the street to say The Bloodline story brought them back to WWE, which is arguably the highest praise a performer can receive for their work.

"I do think we stumbled on something kind of magical, kind of lightning in a bottle," he continued. "And the fact that we were able to draw it out for over a year and that it's still kind of going on. I think its next evolution ... the only thing I can almost liken it to is my story with Kevin, which is a 20-year story, in fact."


In that sense, Zayn can see The Bloodline storyline continuing in a similar fashion. "Like Kevin and Sami, the key to it would be going apart and coming back together," he suggested. "To where it could actually be, if you do it successfully, could be woven in in a way for another three to four years. But you do it in a way that's very careful and very conscientious, whereby you're not burning fans out on it."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "After the Bell" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

