Gangrel Talks WWE Hiring Him To Join Kevin Thorn

Though it's largely been forgotten by history, WWE's 2006 relaunch of the ECW brand was envisioned as a direct extension of the company's developmental system, complete with various veterans brought in to work house shows and help bring along the younger talent. The stars included, among others, 2 Cold Scorpio, Brad Armstrong, and Gangrel.

With the house shows nixed early on, a lot of those plans quickly fell to the wayside. If you remember WWE's ECW, then you probably have an idea of how Gangrel might have been used: Alongside fellow vampires Kevin Thorn and Ariel. Gangrel, in a new interview with "The Ten Count," said that was, in fact, the original plan.

"They hired me back and said I was gonna come out and start, and that Kevin Thorn and Ariel were gonna join me," he recalled. "I said, 'Okay, cool.' I went home and watched the TV, and I see Kevin Thorn come out. I go, 'Oh!' So I call, [inaudible] answer. About six months later, I get a call saying, 'Hey, it never worked out, the Kevin thing, and this and that, so we're gonna let you go."

After confirming he was paid to sit at home for six months, Gangrel added that he was not used for eight months the previous time he was signed.

"They hired me back and said, 'You're gonna tag with Viscera,' and then I never heard from them again, and then they let me go," he added. "A couple [of] months later, they hired me back again to do ECW, I never heard from them, six months later they let me go. It bothered me because I was getting paid, and that's great, but I wanted to wrestle. I love wrestling."

Gangrel is currently the head trainer at Coastal Championship Wrestling and keeps up a regular schedule of indie bookings.

