Chris Jericho Responds To Not Making WWE's Top 5 Debuts: 'Hold My Beer...'

On August 9, 1999, Chris Jericho had "come to save the World Wrestling Federation" to much fanfare, interrupting The Rock in the process. As debuts go, it stands as an iconic one. According to WWE's recent 'Greatest Debuts of All Time' list, however, it ranks only as high as No. 10. As it happens, fans didn't take too kindly to the positioning, but they weren't the only ones. Jericho himself had a simple response upon seeing his absence from the Top 5, tweeting "Hold my beer....."

While the interruption itself led to "The Brahma Bull" mocking Jericho that night, his debut launched what ended up being a nearly 20-year career with the promotion, featuring multiple returns, plenty of championships, and many memorable moments. One such moment occurred two years later, when at Vengeance 2001, Jericho defeated both Rock and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin in the same night to become the first-ever Undisputed WWE Champion.

The list's Top 5 included Brock Lesnar (2002), Ronda Rousey (2018), Goldberg (2003, who also interrupted The Rock), Kane (1997), and The Shield (2012). Meanwhile John Cena, Kevin Owens, Rock, and AJ Styles all found themselves on the list ahead of Jericho as well. At the end of the day, best-of lists are obviously subjective. That said, it's easy to wonder whether or not Jericho's current relationship with WWE (or lack thereof) played a part in his positioning. Especially since interrupting Rock at all, let alone during WWE's white hot summer of 1999, is always going to be a big deal. 

