Stokely Hathaway Roasts Matt Hardy For Twitter Account Getting Hacked

Getting your Twitter account hacked is typically no laughing matter. But if you've been embroiled in a months-long feud with someone, your perception may be different.

Such is the case with Stokely Hathaway in regard to Matt Hardy's Twitter account being hacked over the weekend. While Matt's wife Reby Hardy [Reby Sky] took to Twitter Saturday night to declare, "MATTS ACCOUNT WAS HACKED. DO NOT ENGAGE. F***ING LOSERS," his old friend from The Firm took the opportunity to rib, tweeting "Getting your account hacked by a teenager in Singapore on Windows 98 is nasty work."

The tweets from Hardy's account over the weekend were both concerning and in poor taste, with mentions of Chris Benoit, Edge, Linda McMahon, and Lita included. Neither content nor tone mattered to Hathaway, though, who was recently on the losing end of The Firm Deletion Match during the May 5 episode of "AEW Rampage." Even still, he made sure to take a moment to state his innocence, adding, "I'm innocent. All questions are now directed to my attorney."

While The Firm Deletion Match featured both Jeff and Matt, Isiah Kennedy, and HOOK taking on The Firm, with Ethan Page ultimately taking the pinfall loss, Hathaway had others to deal with as well. Appearances were also made by Señor Benjamin, Sky, "Gothic Baby," and young Maxel Hardy, who even landed a Swanton Bomb of his own. But even after losing the bizarre encounter, it appears as though Hathaway has gotten the last laugh for now. Even if it wasn't his doing.

