Nick Aldis Praises The 'Vibrant' Impact Locker Room

After six years away, Nick Aldis is back in the saddle again at Impact Wrestling, returning at Rebellion in Toronto, Canada back on April 16. And Aldis, who is working without a contract for the moment, has wasted no time entering into the Impact World Championship scene, targeting current champion Steve Maclin, as he searches for his second career reign as TNA World Heavyweight/Impact World Champion.


All of that is secondary however compared to Aldis' overall joy at being back in Impact. In an interview with the "Battleground Podcast," Aldis described his first night back at Rebellion, calling the Impact locker room vibrant, and stressing how exciting it was to work with old friends again and help Impact grow.

"It's a lot of seasoned professionals who understand that this place can be as big as we make it," Aldis said."They understand, they can feel there's a positive momentum. I think there's...I don't want to say a chip on the shoulder, because that wouldn't be accurate. But there's a healthy sort of understanding like 'Hey look, we know a lot of the oxygen goes to WWE and AEW. But we're over here kicking it, and we're going to keep showing you. We're going to sell out here, and then we're going to sell out there, and then our numbers are going to go up.'


"Last week's was the highest viewership that the show's had since last March. I'm very big, especially at this point in my career, I have to be part of something that I feel has upward mobility and forward momentum. And you can feel that momentum with the dressing room, the staff, all the way to the crew, everyone. You can feel that everyone's going 'Let's dig in and let's get this thing going."

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit The Battleground Podcast and provide an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription

