AEW Dark Results (04/25) - Dark Order Vs. Varsity Athletes, Blake Christian Vs. Lee Johnson, Zack Clayton In Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Dark" on April 25, 2023, coming to you from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida!

Two weeks ago, Alex Reynolds and John Silver teamed up with Dark Order teammate Evil Uno to beat Aaron Rourke, Brother Greatness, and Alvin Alverez on the April 10 edition of "AEW Dark: Elevation". Tonight, Reynolds and Silver look to pick up another victory as they square off with Varsity Athletes' Josh Woods and Tony Nese.


After joining forces with Mike Magnum and Jack Tomlinson in a losing effort to Jericho Appreciation Society's Jake Hager, "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard, and "Cool Hand Ang" Angelo Parker on the April 17 episode of "Dark: Elevation", Zack Clayton looks to redeem himself as he faces Jake Logan. In other tag team news, Brock Anderson and Brian Pillman Jr. will be teaming up once again to take on Ryan Nemeth and Cezar Bononi. Blake Christian will also be in action tonight as he squares off with Lee Johnson.

Mei Suruga will be returning to an AEW ring for the first time since defeating Hyena Hera on the February 14 episode of "Dark" as she joins forces with veteran Emi Sakura to take on Ashley D'Amboise and Reka Tehaka. Elsewhere in the women's division, QTV's Harley Cameron is set to collide with "Dark" and "Dark: Elevation" regular Mafiosa.


We are live! Taz and Excalibur greet audiences at home as Harley Cameron, QT Marshall, and Aaron Solo make their way to the ring. Mafiosa is already waiting inside.

Harley Cameron (w/ QT Marshall and Aaron Solo) vs. Mafiosa

The bell rings and the two lock up. Mafiosa executes a drop toe hold, but Cameron responds with a shoulder tackle. Cameron delivers a Sunset Flip, then follows it up with a few knees and a Russian Leg Sweep. She then sends Mafiosa's head bouncing off the mat and takes a selfie with her phone. Mafiosa delivers a splash to Cameron in the corner, but Cameron catches her with a neckbreaker and a backstabber for the win.


Winner: Harley Cameron

Lee Johnson heads to the ring, followed by Blake Christian.

Blake Christian vs. Lee Johnson

The bell rings and Christian extends his hand to Johnson. Johnson slaps it away, then pushes Christian. Christian returns the favor before Johnson delivers an arm drag. Christian then delivers a dropkick, but is sent crashing to the outside by Johnson. Johnson gets Christian back in the ring, and fires off a series of right hands. He sends Christian's head colliding with the top turnbuckle, then whips him into the opposite corner. He lands a suplex, but Christian manages to hit a backbreaker and an enziguri. He then hits the 619 and follows it up with a kick to Johnson's face before he sends Johnson face first into the top turnbuckle and delivers a back suplex.


Johnson delivers a Blue Thunder Bomb and goes for a pin, but Christian kicks out. Christian then delivers a Standing Spanish Fly and ascends to the top. He looks for a 450 Splash, but Johnson ducks out of the way. Christian delivers a Spear to Johnson on the apron, then goes flying and gets Johnson back in the ring. He looks for a springboard 450 Splash, but Johnson gets his knees up. Christian delivers a Pele Kick, but Johnson responds with a Thrust Kick. Christian then hits a stomp to the back of Johnson's head for the win.

Winner: Blake Christian

The Wingmen head to the ring, followed by Brian Pillman Jr., Brock Anderson, and Arn Anderson.

Brock Anderson and Brian Pillman Jr. (w/ Arn Anderson) vs. The Wingmen (w/ Peter Avalon)

Nemeth and Pillman begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Nemeth clocks Pillman from behind, then tags in Bononi. Bononi delivers a stomp to Pillman in the corner before Avalon takes a cheap shot at Pillman while Bononi distracts the referee. Bononi delivers a series of knees to Pillman, then tags Nemeth back in. Bononi delivers a bodyslam, and Nemeth follows it up with a dropkick. He delivers a knee to Pillman's midsection, then fires off several right hands on Pillman's spine. Avalon takes another cheap shot at Pillman while Nemeth has the referee's attention, but a frustrated Arn turns him inside out with a clothesline. This allows Pillman to make the hot tag to Brock, who delivers a back elbow and a bodyslam to Nemeth. He follows it up with a Gut Wrench Bononi tries to interfere, but Pillman and Anderson level him. Anderson low bridges Bononi to the outside before Nemeth does the same to Pillman. Nemeth looks for The Hunk of Love, but Brock manages to roll up Nemeth for the win.


Winners: Brian Pillman Jr. and Brock Anderson

Emi Sakura, Mei Suruga, and Baliyan Akki head to the ring, with Ashley D'Amboise and Reka Tehaka already waiting inside.

Emi Sakura and Mei Suruga (w/ Baliyan Akki) vs. Ashley D'Amboise and Reka Tehaka

The bell rings, and both Suruga and Sakura attack D'Amboise and Tehaka from behind. Sakura catches Tehaka with a drop toe hold before Suruga delivers a double stomp off the ropes. Sakura exits the ring to stand on the apron as Suruga locks in a submission. D'Amboise breaks the hold, and Tehaka plants Suruga with a modified backbreaker. D'Amboise tags in and delivers a dropkick. Sakura then tags in and Tehaka gets in the ring. Tehaka and D'Amboise each deliver a stomp to Sakura's midsection, but Sakura sends them colliding with one another. She fires off a few chops, then whips them both into the corner. D'Amboise and Tehaka find themselves stacked up, and Sakura delivers a running crossbody. Suruga gets in the ring and tosses both herself and Sakura onto D'Amboise and Tehaka with a double senton. She then delivers a Butterfly Backbreaker to D'Amboise and goes for a pin, but Tehaka breaks the fall. She then delivers a headbutt to Sakura before Suruga delivers the diving foot stomp to her hands on the apron off the top rope. Sakura then ascends to the top and delivers a moonsault to D'Amboise for the win.


Winners: Emi Sakura and Mei Suruga

Zack Clayton heads to the ring, with Jake Logan already waiting inside.

Zack Clayton vs. Jake Logan

The bell rings and Clayton blindsides Logan. Logan delivers elbows and a splash in the corner, but Clayton clotheslines him to the outside and tosses him into the ring steps. He delivers a right hand to his head, then gets him back in the ring and gets Logan on the middle rope before delivering a superplex. Logan delivers a rolling elbow and a dropkick, then looks for a moonsault. Clayton ducks it and plants Logan with his finisher for the win.


Winner: Zack Clayton

Varsity Athletes and "Smart" Mark Sterling head to the ring, followed by Dark Order.

Dark Order vs. Varsity Athletes (w/ Mark Sterling)

Nese and Reynolds begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Nese flexes his biceps, but Reynolds surprises him with a dropkick and follows it up with a crossbody. Woods tags in and delivers a right hand to Reynolds, then delivers a series of elbows and a knee. He then fires off several stomps and tags Nese back in. Nese delivers a back elbow, then tags in Woods. Woods delivers a running knee and plants Reynolds, then goes for a pin but Silver breaks the fall. Woods dumps Silver to the outside before Nese tries to interfere. Nese joins Silver while Woods delivers a German suplex to Reynolds. He goes for a pin, but Reynolds kicks out. Nese tags in and delivers an uppercut. Reynolds makes the hot tag to Silver, who sends Nese into the top turnbuckle face first. He follows it up with an uppercut and a series of kicks to Nese's chest, then lands a Brainbuster.


Reynolds tags back in and holds Nese in place as he drapes him from the top turnbuckle. Silver ascends to the top, but Ari Daivari appears out of nowhere and knocks Silver off the top. This allows Nese to plant Reynolds and go for a pin, but Reynolds kicks out. Evil Uno runs down and levels Daivari. He tosses him into the ring steps as Reynolds tosses an interfering Woods over to Silver, who meets him with an uppercut. Reynolds and Silver then deliver an elbow, an enziguri, a Stunner, and a German suplex for the win.

Winners: Dark Order

