AEW Dark Results (04/18) - Christopher Daniels Vs. Angelico, Juice Robinson Vs. Cole Karter, Marina Shafir In Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Dark" on April 18, 2023, coming to you from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida!

Christopher Daniels will be making his return tonight as he goes head-to-head with Spanish Announce Project's Angelico. Daniels was last featured on AEW programming on the March 6 episode of "AEW Dark: Elevation", during which he beat Cole Karter.


After joining forces with Nyla Rose to defeat Charlette and Robyn Renegade on last week's edition of "Dark: Elevation", Marina Shafir looks to pick up another win tonight as she goes one-on-one with Dream Girl Ellie. Speaking of The Renegades, they will be in action tonight against Brittany J and Kiah Dream.

Pat Buck will be competing in an AEW ring for the first time on television as he collides with Juice Robinson. Buck currently serves as Vice President of Talent Development, but was previously featured in promotions such as Create a Pro Wrestling, WrestlePro, and IMPACT. Additionally, Iron Savages will be returning to action for the first time since defeating The Wingmen on the March 21 episode of "Dark" as they square off with The Trustbusters' Sonny Kiss and Jeeves Kay while Rohit Raju and Jora Johl take on Jarett Diaz and Ariel Levy and the aforementioned Cole Karter faces Hunter James.


We are live! Taz and Excalibur greet audiences at home as Pat Buck makes his way to the ring. Juice Robinson follows.

Juice Robinson vs. Pat Buck

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before Robinson whips Buck into the corner and delivers a shoulder to his midsection. Buck rolls up Robinson, but Robinson kicks out and rolls to the outside for a breather. He drags Buck out to join him, then sends him crashing into the ring apron. He then delivers a bodyslam and tosses him back into the ring. Robinson hits a delayed vertical suplex and fires off right hands. Buck responds with a suplex of his own, then follows it up with a Manhattan Drop and a powerslam. Robinson executes a back body drop and a pair of chops, then hits a back heel kick and The Juice is Loose for the win.


Winner: Juice Robinson

The Renegades head to the ring, with Brittany J and Kiah Dream already waiting inside.

The Renegades vs. Brittany J and Kiah Dream

Brittany and Charlette begin the action. The bell rings and Charlette delivers a Thesz Press. She rains down right hands, then delivers a few shoulders to her midsection and follows it up with a clothesline. Robyn tags in and Charlette sends her crashing on top of Brittany. Charlette tags in and delivers a kick to the side of Brittany's head, but Brittany fires back with a Stunner and tags in Dream. Robyn tags in and Dream delivers a dropkick. Robyn hits a shotgun dropkick before Charlette tags in and The Renegades deliver a Spinebuster-Sling Blade combination for the win.


Winners: The Renegades

Cole Karter heads to the ring, with Hunter James already waiting inside.

Cole Karter vs. Hunter James

The bell rings and the two lock up. Karter delivers a shoulder tackle and a lariat, then lands a right hand to James' spine and follows it up with a stomp. James fires back with a jawbreaker, but Karter executes a dropkick and a Spinebuster before he delivers a modified DDT for the win.


Winner: Cole Karter

The Trustbusters head to the ring, followed by Iron Savages and Jameson Ryan.

Iron Savages (w/ Jameson Ryan) vs. The Trustbusters (w/ Slim J)

Bronson and Kay begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Bronson hits a Fallaway Slam before Kay hits a superkick that sends Bronson out of the ring and follows it up with a tope suicida. He tosses Kay back inside, then delivers a Frog Splash off the top. Kiss tags in and delivers a stomp, then slaps Bronson. Bronson responds with an elbow drop and a back body drop, then delivers a dropkick to Boulder that sends him crashing to the floor and off the apron. Kiss tags in Kay and Bronson catches him with a back elbow. Kay fires back with a DDT, then tags in Kiss. Kiss whips Kay into Bronson, then looks to roll up Bronson. Bronson blocks them from doing so. Kay charges at Bronson, but Bronson catches him and hits him with a Piledriver on top of Kiss.


Boulder tags in and delivers a double clothesline to Kiss and Kay. He looks for a double chokeslam, but Kiss and Kay escape. They run the ropes, but Boulder catches them both with a double flatliner. He then ascends to the top and looks for a moonsault, but Kiss moves out of the way and delivers a Scorpion Kick. Kiss and Kay execute a double suplex and pin Boulder, but Bronson breaks the fall. Kiss then looks for a Back Handspring, but Boulder blocks it and gets Kiss on his shoulders. Slim tries causing a distraction, but Ryan levels him. This allows Boulder to deliver a slam-powerbomb combination to Kay and Kiss and tag in Bronson. Bronson ascends to the middle rope as Boulder stacks The Trustbusters. Boulder then sets Bronson up on his shoulders and plants him on top of both Kiss and Kay for the win.


Winners: Iron Savages

Marina Shafir heads to the ring, with Dream Girl Ellie already waiting inside.

Marina Shafir vs. Dream Girl Ellie

The bell rings and the two lock up. Shafir delivers a hip toss, then whips Ellie into the corner. Ellie responds with a shoulder to her midsection and a drop toe hold, then looks for a lariat. Shafir dodges it and locks in a submission hold. Ellie fights her way out of it, but Shafir delivers a series of kicks to her head. She follows it up with a side slam and locks in Greedy for the win.


Winner: Marina Shafir

Rohit Raju and Jora Johl head to the ring, with Jarett Diaz and Ariel Levy already waiting inside.

Rohit Raju and Jora Johl vs. Jarett Diaz and Ariel Levy

Johl and Levy begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Johl delivers a kick to Levy's leg, then follows it up with a suplex. Diaz tags in and sends Diaz crashing into the corner, then tags in Raju. Raju delivers a leaping DDT, but Diaz catches him with an elbow and tags in Levy. Levy delivers a dropkick and a stomp, then delivers a running knee. Raju responds with a twisting neckbreaker and a Fisherman's suplex, then goes for a pin. Diaz breaks the fall, and Johl levels him with a superkick. Raju then delivers a jumping knee to Levy before Johl hits a big boot for the win.


Winners: Rohit Raju and Jora Johl

Angelico heads to the ring, followed by Christopher Daniels.

Christopher Daniels vs. Angelico

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before Daniels delivers a shoulder tackle and an arm drag. He follows it up with a leg lariat and a chop. Angelico executes a drop toe hold that sends Daniels face first into the middle turnbuckle, then fires off rights and lefts. He then locks in a calf submission, but Daniels makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold.


Angelico hits a back suplex before Daniels sits Angelico on the top turnbuckle and delivers an uppercut. He then hits a modified Iconoclasm off the top, then delivers a modified uranage. Angelico responds with a series of kicks and right hands, but Daniels manages to hit Angel's Wings for the win.

Winner: Christopher Daniels

