GCW Red Means Green 2023 Results (4/16): GCW Tag Team Title Match Between East West Express & The Rejects

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Game Changer Wrestling presents Red Means Green 2023 from the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Evansville, Indiana. Seven matches are currently scheduled to take place, including Nick Wayne and Jordan Oliver defending the GCW Tag Team Championship for the first time since winning the gold at Joey Janela's Spring Break 7 against former titleholders John Wayne Murdoch and Reed Bentley of The Rejects. Last night at GCW I Can't Feel My Face 2023, Murdoch and Bentley defeated three-time GCW Tag Team Champions Ciclope and Miedo Extremo in a deathmatch, while Oliver and Wayne successfully teamed up with Myron Reed against Gringo Loco and Komander in a handicap match. 

Announced card prior to the show


* East West Express (Nick Wayne and Jordan Oliver) (c) vs. The Rejects (John Wayne Murdoch and Reed Bentley) for the GCW Tag Team Championship

* Shigehiro Irie vs. Tony Deppen

* Blake Christian vs. Myron Reed

* Billie Starkz, Cole Radrick, and Billy Roc vs. Second Gear Crew (Mance Warner, 1 Called Manders, and Matthew Justice)

* Bryan Keith vs. Calvin Tankman

* Los Macizos (Ciclope and Miedo Extremo) vs. Axton Ray and Shane Mercer 

* BUSSY (Allie Katch and EFFY) vs. Tommy Rich and Doug Gilbert 

Tag Team Bout Kicks Off The Show

Gringo Loco and Axton Ray vs. Bang Bros (Davey Bang and August Matthews)

Loco got the fans to chant his name as the match got underway. Loco and Bang began the bout as the legal performers. Loco and Bang counter each other's moves. Ray and Matthews were tagged in. Matthews took Ray down with a headscissors. Bang was tagged back in. Bang took Ray down with a dropkick. Bang Bros worked together and kept Ray in their corner. 


Matthews attempted a dive to the floor, but Ray caught him and slammed him onto the edge of the ring. Loco and Ray worked together in the ring. Ray locked Matthews in a chinlock on the mat. Loco was tagged in. Ray planted Matthews into the canvas. Loco followed up with a moonsault from the top. Loco tagged Ray back into the match. Ray went back to the chinlock. Matthews lifted Ray and dropped him onto the mat. Ray immediately regained control. 

Loco and Ray slammed Matthews and Bang into the canvas at the same time. Bang Bros kicked out of the simultaneous cover that followed. Bang became the legal performer. Bang and Matthews leaped to the floor and wiped out Loco and Ray. Ray and Loco took control back inside the ring. Loco and Bang fought. Bang landed a Destroyer on Ray. Loco connected with a cutter on Matthews from the top turnbuckle. Bang performed a poisonrana on Loco. Bang and Ray collided. 


Bang Bros delivered a double spear. Loco and Ray got their shoulders up at the same time during a pinfall attempt. Bang and Matthews failed to connect with a double 450. Ray drove Matthews into the canvas. Loco picked up the win for his team after delivering a powerbomb to Bang from the top. 

Winners: Gringo Loco and Axton Ray via pinfall

Heavyweight Collision

Calvin Tankman vs. Bryan Keith

Keith attacked Tankman during the in-ring introductions. Tankman turned the tables and repeatedly crashed Keith into the ring post on the floor. Tankman slammed Keith onto the apron. Tankman and Keith battled around the ringside area. Tankman delivered a big uppercut to Keith back inside the ring. Tankman launched Keith across the ring. 


Keith fought back. Tankman landed a big forearm shot on Keith. Tankman sent Keith into the turnbuckles. Keith kicked out of a cover after a bodyslam and standing splash. Keith disrespected Tankman. Tankman landed another big forearm. Keith attempted to fight back, but Tankman knocked him down with another forearm. Keith replied with several forearms as he began to build momentum. 

Keith connected with Diamond Dust after Tankman caught him in the air. Keith went for an Ace Crusher, but Tankman had it scouted and delivered a combination of strikes. Keith landed a backdrop driver on Tankman and followed up with a big boot. Tankman kicked out of a pinfall attempt following a knee strike. Keith countered a pop-up spinning elbow and scored the victory with a schoolboy pin. 


Winner: Bryan Keith via pinfall

Tag Team Action

BUSSY (Allie Katch and EFFY) vs. Tommy Rich and Doug Gilbert

BUSSY immediately took the fight to Rich and Gilbert. EFFY and Katch delivered a double atomic drop to Rich. BUSSY sandwiched Gilbert in the center of the ring. Rich took EFFY down. EFFY responded by kissing Rich and Gilbert. EFFY also kissed Katch and referee Dan Perch. 


Gilbert worked over EFFY in the corner of the ring. EFFY responded with a combination of strikes. Gilbert connected with a chinbreaker. Gilbert utilized a baseball bat on EFFY while the referee was occupied with Katch. Gilbert delivered a piledriver to EFFY. EFFY fought back and tagged in Katch. Katch took out Rich and Gilbert. 

Katch tagged EFFY back into the match as BUSSY worked over Rich and Gilbert at the same time. Gilbert and Rich were sent into each other. EFFY dropped his wrestling trunks in the corner. Gilbert sent Katch into EFFY's behind. EFFY caught Gilbert on the chin with his knee to win. 

Winners: BUSSY (EFFY and Allie Katch) via pinfall

Blake Christian Against Myron Reed

Blake Christian vs. Myron Reed

Christian took Reed off his feet before the in-ring introductions. Christian wiped Reed out on the floor with a dive. Reed landed a high kick to the head back inside the ring. Reed connected with a leg drop from the apron into the ring. Reed cleared the top rope and sent Christian down at ringside. 


Christian landed a dropkick in the center of the ring. Christian took control and locked in a chinlock. Reed broke free with a chinbreaker. Christian sent Reed back down and connected with a bottom rope 619. Christian took Reed off his feet with a double stomp from the top. 

Reed fought back and landed a codebreaker in the corner. Reed built some momentum and hit a combination of moves. Christian replied with a kick after hitting the ropes. Reed kicked out of a cover following a standing Spanish Fly and springboard 450. 

Christian missed with a stomp attempt. Reed landed a cutter moments later. Reed wiped Christian out on the floor. Reed connected with a springboard 450, but it wasn't enough to finish Christian off. Moments later, Christian delivered a low blow and followed up by stomping Reed into the canvas to win. 


Winner: Blake Christian via pinfall

Harcore Tag Team Match

- Emil Jay introduced Nick Gage. The former GCW World Champion asked where his gang was at. Gage said it was time to get some red and got everyone hyped up for the next match. 

Los Macizos (Ciclope and Miedo Extremo) vs. Shane Mercer and Jimmy Lloyd in a hardcore tag team match


Multiple weapons were sent into the ring. Ciclope and Lloyd fought. Lloyd sent a chair into Ciclope's head. Mercer and Extremo battled. Mercer used his strength and launched Ciclope with a suplex. Mercer leaped over the ropes to wipe out Los Macizos. 

Extremo and Mercer battled on the balcony. Extremo attempted to throw Mercer to the floor. Mercer lifted Extremo and attempted to throw him off the balcony. The action eventually returned to the ring. Lloyd set up a door bridge in the center of the ring. Ciclope and Extremo sent Mercer through the door. 

Mercer slammed Extremo into the canvas. Mercer set up another door bridge in the center of the ring. Mercer sent Extremo through the door with a moonsault and battery from the top. Lloyd delivered a package piledriver to Ciclope. Extremo planted Lloyd into the canvas. Ciclope hit Lloyd with a chair while he had another chair wrapped around his head. 


Mercer connected with a double fallaway slam on Los Macizos. Mercer brought a bundle of tubes down to the ring from the entrance area. Los Macizos picked up the victory after sending Mercer through the tubes with a Doomsday from the top. 

Winners: Los Macizos (Ciclope and Miedo Extremo) via pinfall

- 15-minute intermission

Four-Way Match

Koda Hernandez vs. Jeffrey John vs. Josh Crane vs. Hillbilly Jed

Jed and Crane went back and forth in the center of the ring. Jed took control. Hernandez and John worked together to take Jed off his feet. Crane took out John. Hernandez delivered a combination of moves to Crane. Hernandez and John collided. 


Jed returned and worked over John. Crane sent Jed into the corner. Crane was sent to the floor. John leaped over the top rope. Jed dived through the ropes to wipe out Hernandez, John, and Crane. Jed slammed John into the canvas back inside the ring. Jed connected with a Swanton Bomb from the top to win.

Winner: Hillbilly Jed via pinfall

Trios Action

Billie Starkz, Cole Radrick, and Billy Roc vs. Second Gear Crew (Mance Warner and 1 Called Manders) and Dark Sheik

Roc and Warner began the bout as the legal performers. Roc and Warner attempted to gain the advantage. The match broke down and the action spilled to the floor. Roc leaped from the top turnbuckle to wipe out every wrestler on the floor. 


Warner, Manders, and Sheik worked over Roc in the ring. Roc walked on the backs of Sheik and Manders before landing a DDT on Warner. Roc hit a Code Red on Manders. Sheik drove Roc into the canvas. Starkz used a steel chair as a weapon on the floor. Warner and Manders took Gringo Loco's merch table to the ring. 

Radrick set up a steel chair in the middle of the ring. Starkz drove Warner onto the chair with a Death Valley driver. Sheik broke up a pin attempt after Starkz landed a German suplex on Manders. Roc repeatedly drove Warner's head into a steel chair. Manders connected with a big lariat on Roc. Warner set up the table in the corner. Manders sent Radrick through the table by launching Warner at him. 


Warner and Manders set up two steel chairs in the corner of the ring. Warner draped Starkz on the chairs. Manders slammed Warner onto Starkz from the top. Starkz recovered and delivered a piledriver on Sheik. SGC and Sheik were piled up as Roc attempted a pin following a splash from the top. 

SGC and Sheik sent a door and steel chairs into the ring. Sheik launched Roc from the top onto Warner and Manders who were on top of a door bridge. Warner and Roc sat on a steel chair in opposite corners and drank a can of beer. Both men then went back to war against each other. Warner pulled up his knee pad and picked up the win for his team after connecting with a knee strike on Roc. 

Winners: Second Gear Crew (Mance Warner and 1 Called Manders) and Dark Sheik via pinfall

- After the match, Warner praised his trainer Billy Roc on the microphone. 

Singles Action

Shigehiro Irie vs. Tony Deppen

Deppen applied a chinlock and attempted to ground Irie. Irie responded with a side headlock, which Deppen managed to reverse. Deppen attempted to send Irie down with a shoulder tackle. Irie took Deppen off his feet with a running crossbody. Irie slammed Deppen down and used the top rope as leverage to deliver a splash. 


Deppen sent Irie to the floor and connected with a baseball slide dropkick. Two fans held Deppen as Irie struck him in the face with a forearm. Deppen briefly turned the tables. Irie ran around the ring and crashed into Deppen who was seated on a steel chair.

Deppen took control of the bout as the action returned to the ring. Deppen and Irie exchanged strikes. Irie connected with a diving forearm. Irie delivered a Black Hole Slam and attempted a pin. Irie connected with a pounce after Deppen landed a knee strike. 

Deppen and Irie traded blows. Irie sent Deppen out of the ring with a crossbody on the apron. Back inside the ring, Irie connected with a cannonball in the corner and went for a cover. Deppen kicked out of Irie's pin attempts after a pair of lariats. Deppen hit a running knee strike and attempted a cover. Moments later, Irie landed a cannonball against the ropes and followed up with a big lariat to win. 


Winner: Shigehiro Irie via pinfall

Main Event for the GCW Tag Team Championship

East West Express (Nick Wayne and Jordan Oliver) (c) vs. The Rejects (John Wayne Murdoch and Reed Bentley) for the GCW Tag Team Championship

Wayne and Murdoch started the match. Murdoch sent Wayne through the ropes to the floor. Murdoch and Bentley took the fight to Oliver and Wayne around the ringside area. Oliver and Wayne delivered a double dive after being sent back into the ring. 


Oliver and Wayne took control as the action returned to the ring. Oliver and Wayne performed another double dive to the floor. Bentley slammed Oliver down on the apron. Murdoch attempted a pin after connecting with a kick on Wayne in the center of the ring. Murdoch and Bentley worked together to keep Wayne grounded. 

Wayne eventually tagged in Oliver. Murdoch blocked Oliver's Clout Cutter attempt. Wayne returned to the ring and helped Oliver. The Rejects turned the tables. Bentley set up a door bridge in the corner of the ring. Wayne broke up a pin attempt after Murdoch sent Oliver through the door with a Destroyer from the top. 

East West Express and The Rejects exchanged strikes in the center of the ring. Wayne and Oliver delivered a combination of moves on Murdoch. Oliver and Wayne ended their flurry of moves with a double Clout Clutter to retain the tag team gold. 


Winners and STILL GCW Tag Team Champion: East West Express (Jordan Oliver and Nick Wayne) via pinfall

- That's all for GCW Red Means Green 2023!

