Mark Henry Loves When People Ask Big Show Bad Questions

For the first time in AEW's four-year history, the promotion will be hitting the Ocean State, running in North Kingston, Rhode Island this Friday with tapings of "AEW Rampage" and "AEW Battle of the Belts." That means wrestling legend Mark Henry will be around, telling people it's time for the main event as well as leading the charge with community events AEW may be involved in.


Henry spoke about his charity work, as well as other subjects, during an interview with "10 WJAR" of Providence, Rhode Island earlier on Tuesday. One of the questions Henry was asked about whether he's ever received any trouble during these charity events, leading to him revealing something about fellow AEW talent, Paul Wight.

"People are pretty respectful, especially when you're dealing with charity events and giving," Henry said. "People are pretty respectful. The Big Show a lot of times will come to events, and we all kind of sit back and wait on somebody to come up and ask a question that may not be to the liking of the Big Show. It's like the most entertaining thing, waiting on the bear to snap on somebody. I'm the calm one of the group."


While Wight makes appearances at events, he has had a long hiatus from the ring as he deals with several nagging injuries. With surgery finally behind him however, Wight is hoping to make an in-ring comeback with AEW sometime later this year and has eyes on potential big matches with stars like Kenny Omega.

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit 10 WJAR and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription

