Big E Getting New Scans After WrestleMania That Could Determine His Future In WWE

It's been just over a year since Big E suffered a neck injury on "WWE SmackDown," indefinitely sidelining one of wrestling's most beloved figures. But the former WWE Champion — and his devoted fanbase — will get an update on his health soon, The New Day member has confirmed. Speaking with "Busted Open Radio," Big E said he plans to get his "one-year check ups" in early April.


"We're actually going to do that when we get back home after WrestleMania," Big E told "Busted Open," according to Fightful. "Early April, during that first week, we'll get another set of scans. Right now, the issue was, the thought was after three months I should be ready, but because of the nature of my fracture, I broke my C1 in two places, and it's a Jefferson fracture. Sometimes, unfortunately with that injury, thankfully there's no displacement, so we didn't need to have surgery and all the bones were still in place to hopefully heal together properly."

Big E added that his fracture is "healing fibrously, meaning it's connected enough that I can walk around and no one is concerned that I'm going to be in any pain or have any issues, but it's not ossifying yet, it's not turning completely into bone." Big E said "the plan is to ... have the doctors review [the new scans], and make a decision from there. ... Your C1 is an important bone and I want to make the best decision health-wise for myself," he added. "You don't want to rush. I've been in rehab for nine months, working on strength and range of motion and all of that has been great. That's where we're at right now. We'll get the scans and move on from there." It's currently unclear if Big E will appear in some capacity at WrestleMania 39.

