Nick Patrick Assumes One Of The Hebners Would Be First Ref Inductee Into WWE Hall Of Fame

With the WWE Hall Of Fame ceremony fast approaching, the rumor mill has been in overdrive about different names who might be inducted. While one has yet to be announced, it was previously reported that a WWE referee would be going in this year. With Teddy Long being the only former referee to already be inducted, there are plenty for WWE to choose from, but during the latest "Monday Mailbag," former WCW and WWE official Nick Patrick named Dave or Earl Hebner as the likely people to be chosen. 


Patrick believes that WWE would "probably go with one of their old school guys" to be the first official referee to earn an induction — with Long's being based on his multi-role career. Both the Hebner brothers had memorable careers with WWE, being involved in many classic moments. While Earl is best known for being the official in the Montreal Screwjob, Earl and Dave also both featured in the legendary "twin referees" storyline that highlighted the televised WWE Championship rematch between Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant in 1988.

"If you are a fan of watching and checking the referee out, watch Dave Hebner," Patrick said. "I mean, it's incredible." Patrick would also go on to name Tim White, Mike Chioda, and Jimmy Korderas as others who could end up getting the nod, but he still believes that an old-school name will be what the company chooses. There is going to be a WWE Hall Of Fame announcement on "WWE's The Bump" this week, which could potentially be the final inductee for the Class Of 2023. 


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Monday Mailbag" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

