WWE NXT Results (03/28) - Grayson Waller Answers Johnny Gargano's Challenge, Last Chance Qualifier Match, Battle Royal And More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "WWE NXT" on March 28, 2023!

Last week, Johnny Gargano challenged Grayson Waller to an Unsanctioned Match at "NXT Stand & Deliver" on April 1 as a result of Waller beating down Gargano in the front lawn of his house while his family watched on. Tonight, Waller will provide a definitive answer as to whether he will be accepting the challenge to both Gargano and the "NXT" Universe.

A massive Twenty-Man Battle Royal match featuring Dijak, Dabba-Kato, and Jinder Mahal is set for tonight, with the winner joining JD McDonagh, Ilja Dragunov, Dragon Lee, and current titleholder Wes Lee in a Ladder Match for the North American Championship in Los Angeles. Wes announced the match last week after being swarmed by various Superstars looking to be the final competitor in the bout.

As the fate of "NXT" Women's Champion Roxanne Perez remains unknown, Sol Ruca, Indi Hartwell, and Ivy Nile will collide in a Last Chance Match. The winner will qualify for the "NXT" Women's Championship Ladder bout at "Stand & Deliver" and square off with the likes of Lyra Valkyria, Tiffany Stratton, Gigi Dolin and Zoey Stark. Stratton, Stark, and Valkyria secured their spots in the bout after beating Hartwell, Ruca, and Nile respectively in previous qualifier matches while Dolin defeated a currently sidelined Jacy Jayne.

We are live! Vic Joseph and Booker T greet audiences at home as Apollo Crews heads to the ring while several other Superstars are waiting in the ring. Wes Lee has joined commentary for the upcoming bout. 

We are live! Vic Joseph and Booker T greet audiences at home as Apollo Crews heads to the ring while several other Superstars are waiting in the ring. Wes Lee has joined commentary for the upcoming bout.

Twenty-Man Battle Royal - Winner Earns A Spot In The North American Championship Ladder Match at Stand & Deliver

The bell rings and Xyon Quinn eliminates Quincy Elliott.

Eliminated: Quincy Elliott

Damon Kemps tries to toss Malik Blade out of the ring as Jinder Mahal sends Charlie Dempset onto the apron. Kemp drapes Dante Chen across the top rope before Dijak delivers a boot and eliminates him. Meanwhile, Mahal eliminates Bryson Montana and Nathan Frazer takes out Damon Kemp.

Eliminated: Dante Chen, Bryson Montana, and Damon Kemp

Blade and Edris Enofe deliver several offensive moves to Dijak and send him over the top, and Odyssey Jones hits him with a hip attack.

Eliminated: Dijak

An enraged Dijak pulls Jones out of the ring and attacks him. He tosses him into the ring steps, allowing Mahal to officially eliminate him from the bout.

Eliminated: Odyssey Jones

Mahal is sent onto the apron before he pulls Blade and Enofe out to join him. Enofe delivers a kick to Mahal, but both are eliminated. Axiom then tosses Scrypts to the outside as Crews eliminates Javier Bernal.

Eliminated: Javier Bernal, Scrypts, Edris Enofe, Malik Blade

Back from the break, Hank Walker and Drew Gulak are going at it on the apron. Charlie Dempsey knocks them off to eliminate them.

Eliminated: Hank Walker and Drew Gulak

Gulak and Walker brawl to the back as Crews delivers a big boot to Dabba-Kato. Kato then dumps Crews to the outside.

Eliminated: Apollo Crews

Dempsey then attacks Kato as Axiom delivers a knee to Mahal. Frazer knocks him onto the apron, and Axiom delivers a kick to eliminate him.

Eliminated: Jinder Mahal

We are now down to four. Frazer delivers a kick to Kato before he, Axiom, and Dempey toss him over the top.

Eliminated: Dabba-Kato

Three now remain as Axiom delivers a kick to Dempsey. Dempsey fires back with a suplex before Frazer hits him with a dropkick off the top rope. Axiom sends Dempsey onto the apron, and the two go back and forth with forearms. Axiom then pushes him off the apron to send him packing.

Eliminated: Charlie Dempsey

We are down to the final two: Axiom and Frazer. The two men shake hands before Frazer hits an enziguri. Axiom fires back with an arm drag and a kick to Frazer's head, but Frazer plants him face first. They exchange forearms with one another, but Axiom gains the upper hand with a running knee. He charges at Frazer, but Frazer catches him with a kick. Frazer delivers a chop, but Axiom ascends to the top. Frazer meets him there and delivers a superplex, then rolls through. Axiom escapes and Frazer hits a superkick, but Axiom tosses him over the top. Frazer hangs on and gets back in the ring, but Axiom catches him with a kick to his midsectionand dumps him to the outside to win the bout.

Eliminated: Nathan Frazer

Winner: Axiom

After the match, Wes and Axiom shake hands. Dragon Lee joins them to shake both of their hands before Ilja Dragunov and JD McDonagh appear.

We head backstage to Chase U and Tyler Bate. Andre Chase hypes up Bate for his upcoming match with Von Wagner.

Back from the break, we head backstage to Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs. Jensen is ranting to Briggs about a message Kiana James sent to him before she and Fallon Henley walk in. Jensen asks James what she wanted to talk about, and James informs Jensen and Briggs she got them a match. She says if they win, then they will be added to the Triple Threat Tag Team Championship Match at "Stand & Deliver".

Back at ringside, Von Wagner and Mr. Stone head down. Chase U follows. 

Tyler Bate (w/ Chase U) vs. Von Wagner (w/ Mr. Stone)

The bell rings and the two lock up. Bate delivers a dropkick, but Wagner fires back with a big boot and an elbow drop. He gets Bate up and executes a Military Press, then delivers a stomp and a clothesline. He goes for a pin, but Bate kicks out.

Wagner delivers a splash in the corner, but Bate fires back with a few uppercuts. Wagner whips him into the corner, but Bate manages to hit a knee and a forearm. He runs the ropes, but Stone tries tripping him. E tosses him back in the ring and Thea Hail pounces on him. He beats him down, and the pair spill to the outside. Bate goes flying and has a little assistance from Duke Hudson in order to level Stone before ascending to the top and delivers a Spinny Boy for the win.

Winner: Tyler Bate

Schism then appears on the Titan Tron and says Schism will be in charge of Chase U come Saturday. Jagger Reid says the curriculum will change as we see Ava administering a test and tells the students they will be deprogramming. She says the world of Chase U will fall when they take over, and Joe Gacy says that when the bell rings, a new class will begin.

We then head to Roxanne Perez walking around backstage as she looks for Shawn Michaels.

Roxanne Perez Provides An Update On Her Health

Back from the break, we see Shawn Michaels in his office as someone knocks on his door. Roxanne Perez enters, and informs him that she has been cleared for action. Michaels says that's great to hear, and Perez explains that she collapsed due to body exhaustion and anxiety. Michaels tells her that she doesn't think participating in the ladder match is the best thing for her, and he says she gets the first title shot after "Stand & Deliver". Perez explains that she feels lost and questions whether or not she peaked, and Michaels says she has a long career ahead of her and there will be another "Stand & Deliver". Perez asks Michaels if he approached his career like that and says she needs to climb the ladder to overcome her anxiety. She begs Michaels to let her participate, and Micahels says he wants tests and follow ups with doctors. He allows her to be in the match.

Back at ringside, Valentina Feroz heads down, followed by Elektra Lopez.

Elektra Lopez vs. Valentina Feroz

The bell rings and Lopez delivers a knee to Feroz's midsection. She follows it up with a leg sweep and drives her knee into the mat before Feroz delivers a pair of arm drags and an elbow. Lopez then delivers Elektric Shock for the win.

Winner: Elektra Lopez

Back from the break, Eddy Thorpe heads to the ring. Myles Borne is already waiting inside.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Myles Borne

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before Borne delivers a crossbody. Thorpe fires back with a chop, but Borne delivers a back elbow and fires off several right hands. He plants Thorpe, but Thorpe fires back with a Dragon Screw and a pair of back elbows. He follows it up with an enziguri and a big boot to his face, then hits a hip toss and a Saito Suplex. He then delivers his finisher for the win.

Winner: Eddy Thorpe

Sol Ruca then heads down to the ring. Ivy Nile and Indi Hartwell follow. 

Sol Ruca vs. Indi Hartwell vs. Ivy Nile in a Last Chance Qualifier Match for the NXT Women's Championship Ladder Bout At Stand & Deliver

The bell rings and Hartwell goes straight for Nile. Nile rolls her up , but Hartwell kicks out. Ruca delivers a shoulder tackle to Hartwell, then hits Nile with a bodyslam. She dumps Hartwell and Nile out of the ring, then ascends to the top and delivers a moonsault to the two women. Ruca tosses Hartwell back in the ring and goes for a pin, but Hartwell kicks out. She then delivers a facebuster, but Nile tosses her across the ring and delivers a kick to his chest. She looks for an arm submission, but Hartwell separates Nile and Ruca.

Ruca delivers a splash off the top rope to Hartwell and goes for a pin, but Nile kicks out. Ruca then delivers a splash to Nile in the corner and looks to do the same to Hartwell, but Hartwell ducks out of the way and delivers a spinebuster. Nile then locks in her signature submission on Nile. but Ruca breaks it up with Sol Snatcher. Hartwell delivers a big boot that sends Ruca out of the ring before she hits Nile with a sliding lariat to the back of her neck for the win.

Winner: Indi Hartwell

After the match, Zoey Stark, Gigi Dolin, Lyra Valkyria, Roxanne Perez, and Tiffany Stratton appear and stare down one another.

Back from the break, we head to a video hyping up the match between Bron Breakker and Carmelo Hayes at "Stand & Deliver".

Back at ringside, Hank Walker heads to the ring. Drew Gulak follows.

Hank Walker. vs. Drew Gulak (w/ Charlie Dempsey)

The bell rings and Walker delivers a back elbow and a lariat. He follows it up with a back body drop, then locks in a Stretch Muffler. Gulak escapes and counters it into a Single Leg Boston Crab, but Walker reverses the momentum and locks in the same hold. Gulak makes it to the bottom rope before he delivers a neckbreaker and a few knees across his neck. He whips him into the corner and delivers a lariat, then ascends to the top and executes a flying elbow. He transitions into a Crossface, but Walker escapes and delivers a Thesz Press, then delivers a Splash in the corner and plants Gulak face first. Gulak locks in a Crossface, but Walker once again escapes and locks in an Arm Bar. Gulak gets his boot on the bottom rope to break the hold before Dempsey takes a cheap shot at Walker from behind while the referee is distracted and Gulak rolls him up for the win.

Winner: Drew Gulak

Tony D'Angelo and Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo head to the ring, with Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs following. 

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen vs. Tony D'Angelo and Stacks

Jensen and Stacks begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They pin one another a handful of times before Stacks plants Jensen. D'Angelo and Briggs tag in. They lock up before Briggs delivers a shoulder tackle and a right hand to his spine. Stacks tags back in as we see Fallon Henley and Kiana James watching on from backstage. Henley says she's telling Jensen the truth once the match is over. Back at ringside, Jensen and D'Angelo tag in. Jensen and Briggs then deliver double right hands to Stacks and D'Angelo.

Back from the break, Henley and James have appeared at ringside as Stacks delivers a lariat to the back of Jensen. D'Angelo tags in and beats down Jensen before Stacks tags back in and delivers an elbow drop off the top rope. Briggs tags in and delivers a lariat, then follows it up with a big boot. Jensen tags in as Briggs gets Stacks up in an Electric Chair position and Jensen ascends to the top before hitting a spinnin gheel kick. He goes for the pin, but D'Angelo shoves Briggs into the two men to break the fall. D'Angelo and Stacks then deliver a double back suplex for the win.

Winners: Tony D'Angelo and Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo

After the match, Henley grabs a mic and says James needs to tell Jensen something. She says there is something she needs to tell him, but she'd rather show him. She then kisses her as Henley and Briggs tensely stare her down.

Back from the break, we see Grayson Waller's security guards surrounding the ring before he heads down to the ring.

Will Grayson Waller Accept Johnny Gargano's Challenge For An Unsanctioned Match at Stand & Deliver?

Vic Joseph hands Waller the contract, and Waller tells Joseph that he wants him to watch what happens in the match and says whatever happens to Johnny Gargano is on him.

Waller then grabs a mic and gets in the ring. He says it doesn't matter when he appears on "Stand & Deliver" because he's the real main event. He says he tried standing out and building a relationship with fans up until WarGames, where he was considered the fourth best member. He says he put his body on the line when he jumped off the cage so he could launch himself into stardom, but he was wrong because everyone was talking about Gargano instead. He says Shawn Micahels gave Gargano as much time as he wanted because Gargano is sucking up to him, then calls Gargano a mark. Waller says no one has built themself up more in the last fifteen months than he has, then says there is no further proof than the fact that Gargano is begging him for a match. He recognizes Gargano's accomplishments in "NXT", then tells him that he'll lose at "Stand & Deliver". He says while Gargano bleeds black and gold, he bleeds green.

Gargano's music hits, but Gargano is nowhere to be seen. We then see a camera person get in the ring, and they unmask, revealing themselves to be Gargano. Gargano charges at Waller, but security pulls them apart. Both men break free of the guards and continue to brawl, spilling to the outside. They continue to brawl up the ramp as security continues to try to tear them apart, and they eventually do so.

