Sam Adonis Talks The Interesting Spot MLW Has In The Pro Wrestling Landscape

Sam Adonis officially signed with Major League Wrestling in October 2022. Although the 33-year-old is still settling in with the promotion, he believes that Court Bauer's company is in an intriguing position. 


"Since I've been there, I've been kind of fascinated," Adonis told "Ad Free Shows" during a live interview. "They're kind of in a position right now where somebody needs to be the bridge – needs to bridge the gap. And it seems like right now, you know, we're on the verge – I think, we might be close to something similar to a wrestling bidding war, you know, when contracts might start inflating again. It's a great position for wrestlers, but there needs to be a place for, you know, unsigned talent to show up in a high-quality environment that is on TV that you can have good matches with good talent." 

WWE and All Elite Wrestling are currently the leading pro wrestling organizations in the United States. Several promotions follow behind, including Impact Wrestling, Game Changer Wrestling, and MLW. Bauer's company is continuously looking at ways to grow, but they have recently hit a few bumps in the road with the uncertainty surrounding their REELZ broadcasting deal and legal battle with WWE. However, Adonis believes that performers will start fighting for spots in MLW once the money starts coming around, given their current position in the pro wrestling landscape. 


If you use any quotes in this article, please credit "Ad Free Shows" with an H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

