Jimmy Korderas Questions If AEW Can Get Wardlow Back On Track

Wardlow's reign as TNT Champion was brought to an abrupt end on "AEW Dynamite" this week at the hands of Powerhouse Hobbs, and it left Jimmy Korderas pointing out that "missed opportunities twice can really damage a superstar" during his latest "Reffin Rant." The former WWE official has gone so far as to dub what happened "getting 'Wardlowed'," which Korderas believes has happened to "Mr. Mayhem" twice after both his title runs ended abruptly. Wardlow beat Samoa Joe for the TNT Championship at AEW Revolution, but he only held it for three days before dropping it again, and that has led to Korderas questioning if AEW can get him back on track.


"Here's a guy that had the opportunity, they had lightning in a bottle with this guy," Korderas said. "They blew that opportunity and now they were gaining momentum back. I don't know if they can recover from this and get him back to where he could have been, the face of the company."

Wardlow was attacked by QT Marshall during the main event on "Dynamite," which led to Hobbs getting the victory, and Wardlow's momentum getting suddenly halted once again. His previous championship reign lasted for 136 days before he dropped the title and was written off AEW television, but that reign itself was mainly focused on him forming a tag team with Samoa Joe rather than building his individual star power.


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Reffin Rant" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription. 

