Bryan Danielson Credits WWE's Jamie Noble For Helping Him Navigate Neck Issues

Following his massive title win at WWE WrestleMania 30, Bryan Danielson (fka Daniel Bryan), and the WWE Universe, erupted in celebration, but the celebrations were short-lived in the grand scheme of things. Shortly after, he was forced to relinquish the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. After dealing with the nagging neck issues in the lead-up to the big event, Danielson underwent surgery in mid-May of 2014 to address a lingering nerve issue. The former WWE superstar has since credited producer Jamie Noble with helping him stay afloat during the period before the WrestleMania pay-per-view.


As Danielson did his best to combat "shooting pain" down his arm and neck, he admitted he had trouble putting matches together and was "exhausted" after wrestling a full series of live events. Luckily, he had someone backstage looking out for him. "Jamie, because, one, he's so good, but two, he knows all my stuff, he essentially put the matches together for me, and the ability to just focus on getting physically ready and not have to mentally put together a match, that was such a blessing at the time," Danielson told The Ringer

As much as Danielson "love[d] putting matches together" then, his energy to put them together had dwindled as his pain grew worse, so having Noble take that "off [his] plate was such a blessing," he said. Despite the unfortunate conclusion to his run, the rise of Daniel Bryan in the build to WrestleMania 30 in New Orleans remains one of the most feel-good stories in professional wrestling. In the face of adversity, he overcame all the odds. 

