AEW Dark: Elevation Results (02/20) - Lucha Brothers Vs. Tony Nese And Ari Daivari, Huge Six Woman Tag Team Match, The Firm In Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of "AEW Dark: Elevation" on February 20, 2023, coming to you from the Sames Auto Arena in Laredo, Texas!

The Lucha Brothers will be making their return to action tonight as they go head-to-head with Varsity Athletes Tony Nese and Ari Daivari of The Trustbusters. Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix, along with their Death Triangle teammate PAC, haven't been seen since losing their Best of Seven Series for the AEW World Trios Championship to The Elite in January.


A huge trios match is set to be held, as Willow Nightingale will be joining forces with AEW coach Madison Rayne and Leva Bates to take on Nyla Rose, Marina Shafir, and Emi Sakura. Elsewhere in the women's division, Ring of Honor Women's World Champion Athena will be squaring off with Evelyn Carter in an Eliminator Match to mark her in-ring return. "The Fallen Goddess" last appeared on the January 30 episode of "Dark: Elevation" when she teamed with Diamante in a losing effort to Skye Blue and Yuka Sakazaki.

Dark Order and Best Friends have faced one another in tag team action a handful of times, but tonight, the two groups will team up for the first time ever as they face The Butcher, The Blade, Matt Hardy, Isiah Kassidy, and The Firm's Ethan Page in a ten-man tag team bout. Speaking of The Firm, Lee Moriarty and Big Bill will be in action as they square off with Zack Zilla and Warren Johnson. Additionally, Powerhouse Hobbs looks to write the next chapter in The Book of Hobbs when he goes one-on-one with Sal Muscat, and Juice Robinson will be taking on Fuego Del Sol.


We are live! "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard and Paul Wight greet audiences at home as Fuego Del Sol heads to the ring, followed by Juice Robinson.

Juice Robinson vs. Fuego Del Sol

The bell rings and the two lock up. The pair stare one another down before Fuego shoves Robinson to the mat and follows it up with a Sunset Flip. He sets up for a Tornado DDT, but takes a little too much time, allowing Robinson to recover and knock him to the mat. He rains down right hands, then follows it up with a flapjack and a standing splash. Robinson unlaces Fuego's mask and looks to remove it, but Fuego delivers a series of chops and an enziguri before he can. He delivers a running uppercut and a shoulder to Robinson's midsection, then hits a thrust kick and ascends to the top.


Fuego sends Robinson to the outside, then delivers another thrust kick off the apron and follows it up with a moonsault off the middle rope. He gets him back in the ring and hits a step-up knee, then sets up for the Tornado DDT. Robinson prevents him from executing the move, then slings him across the ropes. He hits a senton and goes after Fuego's mask once again, then whips him into the corner and delivers a short-arm clothesline. He delivers a cannonball and a series of right hands, then looks for the Left Hand of God. Fuego rolls Robinson up, but Robinson kicks out and pulls off Fuego's mask. He then delivers The Juice is Loose for the win.

Winner: Juice Robinson

Athena heads to the ring, with Evelyn Carter already waiting inside.


Athena vs. Evelyn Carter in a ROH Women's World Championship Eliminator Match

The bell rings and Athena delivers a vicious forearm. She sends Carter shoulder first into the ring post, then fires off several stomps and a baseball dropkick that sends her to the outside. She heads out there and delivers another forearm, but Carter fires back with one of her own. This infuriates Athena, who then charges at Carter and beats her down. She sends Carter over the barricade, then delivers a series of right hands to her back and a knee to her head. Athena tosses Carter inside the ring, then plants her and locks in the Crossface for the win.


Winner: Athena

After the match, Athena sets her title up on the mat and sends Carter into it face first.

The Firm heads to the ring, with Zack Zilla and Warren Johnson already waiting inside.

The Firm (w/ Stokely Hathaway) vs. Zack Zilla and Warren Johnson

Moriarty and Johnson begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Moriarty delivers a shoulder tackle and a DDT, then follows it up with a clothesline in the corner and a vicious overhand chop. Moriarty hits a stomp before Zilla makes the blind tag and beats Moriarty down. Johnson and Bill tag in. Bill delivers a Fallaway Slam, then hits a pair of right hands and tags Moriarty back in. Moriaty delivers a Northern Lights suplex and goes for a pin, but Johnson escapes the pinning predicament. Zilla tags in and delivers a bodyslam, then knocks Bill off the apron. He then delivers a belly-to-belly suplex to Moriarty and tags in Johnson.Johnson ascends to the top and goes flying, but Moriarty catches him with a chop and tags in Bill. Bill delivers a splash in the corner before The Firm delivers their finisher for the win.


Winners: The Firm

Nyla Rose, Marina Shafir, Vickie Guerrero, and Emi Sakura head to the ring, followed by Willow Nightingale, Madison Rayne, Skye Blue, and Leva Bates.

Nyla Rose, Marina Shafir and Emi Sakura (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs. Willow Nightingale, Madison Rayne and Leva Bates (w/ Skye Blue)

Bates and Rose begin the action. The bell rings and Rose trips Bates. She delivers a splash and a right hand, then tags in Sakura. Bates looks for a right hand, but Sakura no-sells it. Rayne tags in and Sakura catches her with a boot to her midsection. Rayne fires back with a forearm before Shafir tags in and delivers a hip toss. She takes cheap shots at Nightingale and Bates, then tags Rose back in. Rose delivers a series of shoulders to Rayne's midsection, then jams her elbow into Rayne's sternum. Rose then hits a leg drop and tags in Sakura.Sakura hits We Will Chop You, then delivers a running crossbody to Rayne and tags in Shafir. Shafir delivers a kick across Rayne's spine before Guerrero attacks Rayne while the referee is distracted. Blue gets in her face, and Rose tells her off. Blue then delivers a superkick to Rose.


Back in the ring, Rayne delivers a series of right hands and tags in Nightingale. Nightingale ascends to the top rope and delivers a dropkick, then looks for a Hip Attack. Shafir ducks it, but Nightingale delivers a kick to her head and a spinebuster. She goes for a pin, but Rose and Sakura both break the fall. Bates makes the blind tag and delivers a few kicks to Rose, but Rose recovers and delivers the Beast Bomb for the win.

Winners: Nyla Rose, Marina Shafir and Emi Sakura

Powerhouse Hobbs heads to the ring, with Sal Muscat already waiting inside.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Sal Muscat

The bell rings and Hobbs stares down Muscat. He sends Muscat crashing into the mat, then fires off a series of right and left hands. Muscat delivers an enziguri, but Hobbs stays on his feet and delivers a spinebuster. He follows it up with Town Bidness for the win.


Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs

Matt Hardy, Isiah Kassidy, Ethan Page, The Butcher and The Blade head to the ring, followed by Dark Order and Best Friends.

Dark Order and Best Friends vs. Matt Hardy, Isiah Kassidy, Ethan Page, The Butcher and The Blade (w/ Stokely Hathaway)

Reynolds and The Blade begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Blade delivers a shoulder tackle, but Reynolds fires back with an arm drag and a crossbody. Silver and Butcher tag in. Butcher levels Silver and Reynolds with a double clothesline before Kassidy makes the blind tag. Butcher, Blade Hardy, and Page set up the pair for double suplexes. Best Friends make the save and send the four men out of the ring, then get Kassidy back inside. Uno holds Kassidy in place as his other four partners hug and post around him.


Page gets back in the ring and delivers a shoulder tackle to Uno. Blade tags in and delivers a chop, then tags Page back in. Page delivers an elbow to the back of Uno's head, then tags in Hardy. Hardy delivers an ax handle off the middle rope, then follows it up with The Three Faces of Deletion. Kassidy tags in and hits a splash off Uno's back, then goes for a pin but Uno kicks out. Kassidy delivers an elbow over the top rope, then tags in Butcher. Butcher delivers a pair of chops, then sends Uno into the middle turnbuckle and tags in Page. Uno delivers a chop and a right hand, but Page fires back with a delayed vertical suplex. He delivers a couple of kicks to Uno's face, but Uno fires back with a cutter.


Kassidy and Taylor tag in. Taylor delivers a pair of clotheslines and a back body drop. Beretta tags in and Best Friends deliver the Sole Food-Half and Half Combination. Dark Order delivers a series of clotheslines to Kassidy and Taylor ascends to the top rope as Best Friends set up for Strong Zero. Hardy pulls Taylor off the top rope, then hits Beretta with the Side Effect. Kassidy climbs to the top and delivers the Swanton Bomb, then goes for a pin but Beretta kicks out. Uno hits Page with Twist of Fate, but Butcher and Blade pull him out of the ring. They hit Drag The Lake before Silver and Reynolds hit a pair of tope suicidas to level them. Kassidy goes flying and sweeps Silver and Reynolds off their feet, then gets back in the ring with Beretta. Kassidy sets up for Twist of Fate, but Beretta pushes him off him and Kassidy goes crashing into Hardy (knocking him off the apron in the process). Beretta hits a superkick, then looks to tag in Page. Page hops off the apron to check on Hardy, leaving Kassidy alone. Kassidy delivers an enziguri from the apron and looks to go flying back in the ring, but Beretta catches him. Best Friends then deliver Strong Zero for the win.

Winner: Dark Order and Best Friends


Tony Nese, Ari Daivari, and "Smart" Mark Sterling head to the ring, followed by Lucha Brothers and Alex Abrahantes. Tony Schiavone takes over for Paul Wight on commentary at the behest of Sterling.

Lucha Brothers (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. Tony Nese and Ari Daivari (w/ Mark Sterling)

Nese and Penta begin the action. The crowd cheers Penta on as the bell rings. Penta offers his hand to Nese, but Nese responds by flexing in his face. Penta pulls off his glove and throws it to Abrahantes, then hits his signature Zero Miedo pose. Nese takes a couple shots at Penta's throat, then follows it up with a stomp and a back elbow before Daivari tags in. Daivari and Nese look to hit a double team move on Penta, but Fenix makes the save and the men spill out of the ring. Daivari tosses Penta back inside, then tags Nese in. Nese delivers bicycle crunch kicks, then mocks Penta. Penta delivers an enziguri, then tags in Daivari. Daivari tries removing Penta's mask, and Penta responds with a thrust kick. Nese tags in and knocks Fenix off the apron, then delivers a stomp to Penta. Daivari tags in and Penta catches him with a thrust kick. He follows it up with a pair of Sling Blades, then tags in Fenix.


Fenix delivers a splash off the top rope, then follows it up with a cutter and goes for a pin. Daivari kicks out, and Penta tags back in. Sterling distracts The Lucha Brothers, allowing Daivari to roll up Penta. Penta kicks out, and Nese tags in. Penta delivers a pair of thrust kicks to Nese and Daivari, but Sterling gets in the ring and tells them off. Abrahantes gets in Sterling's face, and The Lucha Brothers deliver a double superkick. Fenix then ascends to the top as Penta gets Nese in position, and the pair deliver the assisted Fear Factor for the win.

Winner: Lucha Brothers

