Eric Bischoff Is Conflicted About What He'd Do With Sami Zayn At WrestleMania

At WWE Elimination Chamber, Sami Zayn fought gallantly but ultimately came up short against Roman Reigns in his bid for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship. Now, with just over one month until WrestleMania 39, it looks as though the Tribal Chief will be defending his championship against Cody Rhodes — and Rhodes alone. But what does that mean for Zayn? On the latest "83 Weeks," Eric Bischoff drew on his past experience.


"If it was Eric Bischoff when he was running WCW back in the late '90s, I would've probably been inclined to pivot [to Zayn]," Bischoff said. "I probably would've gotten a little bit caught up in the emotion." Fast forward to the present, and he hopes he would've learned his lesson. "I've learned since the late '90s how important it is to have a structured, disciplined story," he added. "I would like to think that I would stay the course," though he admits the support Zayn has right now is white-hot. On the other hand, that's what makes this particular decision a little easier for him to make.

"The fans really want to see him get that title," Bischoff continued. "It's not like they're going to stop wanting it, right? That's what you want. It's not so important that they get the title, it's important that they're chasing the title. And the only way that works is if the audience really wants it." Therefore, one question remains.


What Should WWE Do With Sami Zayn at WrestleMania?

As the "Honorary Uce" became a bigger and more important member of The Bloodline, the already months-long story took on an even bigger life of its own. That drew further praise from Bischoff, who struggled to think of any storyline that matched this one.


"I think it's the best storyline that's ever been done in the history of wrestling," he declared. "I can't think of another storyline in the televised history of the business that's come close to this." Shortly after losing to Reigns, the Head of the Table and Jimmy Uso began beating Zayn down similarly to how they handled Kevin Owens at Royal Rumble. Before too long, Owens came to the ring to make the save. It was the first time he'd been seen since that night, and now, signs are pointing towards Owens and Zayn reuniting to clash with The Usos at WrestleMania. For what it's worth, Bischoff doesn't find that very satisfying either.

"I guess I would because that's so logical, and it'll work," he said of a potential tag team match. "I'd rather see something one-on-one with Sami and Kevin." If WWE were to go that route, that'd potentially leave The Usos in limbo as well, so then what? "I don't know," Bischoff admitted. As great as he believes that tag match would be, though, he wouldn't want to risk slowing down Zayn's momentum. "I just think when you have someone as hot as Sami is right now and you put him in a tag, you're not going to have the personal issue. And even if you do, it just gets deluded."


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "83 Weeks" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

