WCW Star Names The Thing Charlotte Flair And Hangman Page Should Both Stop Doing

On Tuesday, Chris Ford, best known for his time in WCW and on the independent scene as Crowbar (and previously Devon Storm) was a guest on SiriusXM's "Busted Open." In the last few years, despite undergoing double knee replacement surgery, he's been wrestling fairly regularly, so his recent renaissance of sorts was a dominant topic of discussion. That then led to a question about the differences between wrestling today and wrestling when he was on national television over 20 years ago, which resulted in him giving an example that invoked two of the biggest names in WWE and AEW.


"I also believe that with this great athleticism, like I said before — and I was guilty of this when I was very young — is often, caution is thrown to the wind," he said. "I think there's a lot of choices that could be made that would keep wrestlers safer and not on the shelf, not being hurt. I'll have this example right here: Charlotte Flair. 'Hangman' Adam Page. Huge fan of both of them. They're both incredibly talented, incredibly athletic, beloved by their fans, all those things. They both do that top rope moonsault to the floor. Incredible maneuver, incredibly athletic. But in my mind, when you have a person [who's] that important to the company, there's just a lot of room for error on that move."


Worth The Risk?

"I think individuals like that don't need to take that risk," Ford continued. "They can do so many other things that are fantastic. That's just an example I can draw with both companies: You have these incredibly over, athletic people that can do so many things. I think some of the wrestlers could make better choices and eliminate more of the high-risk things because they're incredible athletes that can do a million things that look fantastic, but safer."


Outside of his time signed to WCW, Ford has also performed in ECW, WWE, and Ring of Honor during his career. He has been a full-time physical therapist since 1998, owning his own practice, Raising the Bar Rehabilitation and Fitness in East Rutherford, New Jersey, since 2012, where he often helps fellow wrestlers recovering from major injuries.

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Busted Open" with an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

