Matt Cardona Hates This One NWA Element

When Matt Cardona, formerly Zack Ryder, was released by WWE in 2020, his future looked unclear. After a trial run with AEW didn't pan out into a contract, Cardona took on the responsibility of crafting a new persona to garner interest from other companies. This led him to win multiple championships as one of the most despised heels in promotions like Impact Wrestling, NWA, and GCW.


At this time, Cardona is considered a free agent, able to sign with any promotion he sees fit. As Cardona told "Spencer Loves Interviews," "I call myself 'The Agent,' and I believe that, so if I'm not promoting myself, pushing myself, then who else is going to?" This led to reflecting on his work with the NWA — Cardona believes his transparency and uncensored rants about the company are what got viewers engaged. He believes that, in 2023, honesty and realness are what stand out most. "I came in there, and I told the world what I thought of NWA — that it sucked. And that it was old, and it was dated, and it was boring. And I wanted to save NWA. I wasn't coming to NWA as this invader or outsider; I genuinely want to elevate the company and help the company."


Wherever he ultimately ends up signing a contract — if he ever does — Cardona is ready to take the skills he's cultivated on the independent circuit and apply them to a major stage. According to Cardona, he can adapt to "any style of wrestling" now. As the conversation continued, Cardona specifically pointed out which aspect of "NWA Powerrr" shows he hates most. "I absolutely hate [that they don't play entrance music]. I get what they're going for. One time, I even played my music on my cell phone. I need to hear my music to be motivated, to get amped up!"

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Spencer Loves Interviews" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

