WWE Hall Of Famer Explains Why Paul Heyman Is 'One Of The Best Minds' In All Of Wrestling

Kurt Angle has been able to work with a wide variety of people throughout his time in the wrestling business, some of whom helped provide him with some great creative ideas to shape his WWE Hall Of Fame career. However, out of all of them, he revealed on the latest episode of "The Kurt Angle Show" that Paul Heyman was "one of the best minds I've ever known in wrestling." 


Heyman has often been praised by various wrestlers, writers, and other creative minds that he has worked with over the years, with Angle being the latest. While he is well-known for his work on television due to his promo skills, Heyman has spent a long time working behind the scenes as well, whether serving as a writer or just pitching in with ideas. 

"I'd say he's second to Vince," Angle said. "I loved his ideas, his concepts — he had this belief system that worked really well. He was also incredibly talented. You give him a microphone and he can do and say whatever he wants and it's going to be like five stars. I loved working with Paul Heyman, and I loved his ideas."

Angle and Heyman worked together plenty of times on "WWE SmackDown" in the past, a brand that Heyman is heavily involved with to this day as part of The Bloodline group, where he works as Roman Reigns' special counsel. 


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "The Kurt Angle Show" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription. 

