AEW Rampage Results (01/20) - Action Andretti Vs. Daniel Garcia, Brian Cage Vs. Willie Mack, Ethan Page Vs. Jungle Boy And More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Rampage" on January 20, 2023, coming to you from the Save Mart Center in Fresno, California!

The Jericho Appreciation Society has had it out for Action Andretti over the past few weeks after Andretti managed to score the upset win over Chris Jericho at "Winter Is Coming". Tonight, Andretti will be going head-to-head with JAS member Daniel Garcia. If Garcia is able to score the win, he will replace his newfound mentor Sammy Guevara in an upcoming match on this Wednesday's "Dynamite" (who is currently set to team up with Chris Jericho to face Andretti and Ricky Starks).


One third of the Ring of Honor World Six-Man Tag Team Championship holders, Brian Cage, will be squaring off with former Impact Wrestling star Willie Mack in a re-match from this past Monday's "Dark: Elevation", during which Cage ultimately came out on top. The two men have collided in the ring on multiple occasions since 2009 in both singles and tag team competition. Elsewhere, Eddie Kingston will be addressing his longtime tag team partner, Ortiz, and the House of Black tonight. Tensions between Kingston and Ortiz first arose a few weeks ago after Malakai Black indicated to Kingston that Ortiz had betrayed him, and things between the pair have only descended since then. The mind games then continued last week when House of Black tricked Ortiz into thinking Kingston was going to hit Julia Hart with a chair. 


Additionally, "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry will be taking on The Firm's Ethan Page. Jungle Boy joined forces with FTW Champion HOOK this past Wednesday to defeat Page's fellow Firm allies, Big Bill and Lee Moriarty. TBS Champion Jade Cargill and Baddie Leila Grey will also be competing in the ring tonight.

We are live! Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho, and Excalibur greet audiences at home as Ethan Page and Jungle Boy are already in the ring.

Jungle Boy vs. Ethan Page (w/ Matt Hardy, Isiah Kassidy and Stokely Hathaway)

The bell rings and Page looks for Ego's Edge. Jungle Boy delivers a hurricanrana that sends him to the outside, but Page fires back with a clothesline and tosses him back into the ring. Page begins to Hardy, allowing Jungle Boy to deliver a tope suicida. He gets Page back in the ring, then ascends to the top. Jungle Boy pulls him down with a tijeras, then follows it up with a dropkick and a kick to his chest. Hathaway delivers a cheap shot to Jungle Boy, allowing Page to beat him down. He sends Jungle Boy's face bouncing off the apron, then gets him back in the ring and delivers a backbreaker. Page clotheslines Jungle Boy out of the ring, then follows him out. Jungle Boy delivers a series of chops and forearms before Page sends him crashing into the ring post. He delivers a chop of his own, then tosses him back in the ring and follows it up with a Military Press.


Back from the break, Jungle Boy delivers a series of chops and a lariat. Page manages to deliver a back body drop, then delivers an arm drag and a powerslam. He goes for a pin, but Jungle Boy kicks out. Page mocks Hardy, then looks for Twist of Fate, but Jungle Boy escapes and rains down right hands in the corner. Page sends Jungle Boy's face bouncing off the top rope, then follows it up with Twist of Fate. He goes for a pin, but Jungle Boy manages to get his foot on the bottom rope.

Page tells Hardy to attack Jungle Boy, but before he can, HOOK's music hits and he heads to the ring to help out Jungle Boy. Page takes advantage of the distraction and rolls up Jungle Boy as he grabs Hardy's ponytail. Jungle Boy pushes his hand away and reverses the fall for the win.


Winner: Jungle Boy

After the match, Hathaway and Page chew out Hardy. Page tells HOOK and Jungle Boy that wasn't how the match was supposed to go, then says Hardy will make it up to him by teaming up with him on this Wednesday's "Dynamite" to take on Jungle HOOK. Hathaway then puts Hardy on timeout.

Eddie Kingston and Ortiz Sit Down With Tony Schiavone

Back from the break, Ortiz and Tony Schiavone are in the ring. Schiavone asks Ortiz if he can explain what has happened between him and Kingston. Ortiz says Kingston has lost his mind and was going to hit Julia Hart with a chair. He says he appreciates the time he has with Schiavone, but he should be talking to Eddie Kingston himself.


Kingston's music hits and he heads to the ring with a chair in hand. Ortiz tells Kingston the one thing you don't do is hit a woman with a chair. He says that's not how his mother or father raised him, then asks him what Homicide would say. He says Homicide would tell him he's a coward.

Kingston loses his temper and hits Ortiz with a chair in his midsection. He then cracks the chair across his spine.

We then head to a video from Darby Allin. He says beating Samoa Joe for the TNT Championship was the best moment of his live, then says he will fight week in and week out. He says he has some old scores to settle with House of Black, then says he wants to prove to himself he can beat every member of the House of Black and challenges Buddy Matthews to a match.


Back at ringside, Willie Mack heads to the ring, followed by Brian Cage and Prince Nana.

Brian Cage (w/ Prince Nana) vs. Willie Mack

The bell rings and the two lock up. Mack delivers an arm drag and a Samoan Drop, then kips up and looks for a Standing Shooting Star Press. Cage rolls out of the way and delivers a boot, then follows it up with a running uppercut and a suplex. He sends Mack into the corner, then delivers a chop and a series of kicks. The two men end up on the apron before Cage plants Mack on the ring apron.


Back from the break, Mack delivers a big boot to Cage's face and follows it up with a running knee. He delivers a clothesline and a powerbomb, then goes for a pin but Cage kicks out. Cage delivers a thrust kick, then gets Mack up on his shoulders and plants him. He goes for a pin, but Mack manages to kick out. Cage then delivers a jumping knee strike, followed by a powerbomb and Drillclaw for the win.

Winner: Brian Cage

Jade Cargill and Leila Grey then head to the ring as The Vanity Twins already wait inside. 

Jade Cargill and Leila Grey vs. The Vanity Twins

Grey and Jaida begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Grey delivers a leaping shoulder tackle. Jordyn tags in and Grey sends her colliding with the ring post shoulder first. She hits a drop kick, then tags in Cargill. Cargill delivers an uppercut, then whips Jordyn into the corner and sends her into the middle turnbuckle face first. Grey tags back in and hits a twisting neckbreaker. Jaida tags in and delivers a facebuster. She looks for the pin, but Cargill demands to be tagged in. Grey obliges and Cargill hits Jaded for the win.


Winners: Jade Cargill and Leila Grey

Daniel Garcia heads to the ring, followed by Action Andretti. 

Action Andretti vs. Daniel Garcia

The bell rings and Garcia wastes no time. He charges at Andretti and delivers several boots, then delivers a chop. Andretti delivers a springboard elbow, then follows it up with a pair of chops and a tijeras. He hits an enziguri that sends Garcia to the outside, then follows it up with a tope suicida and tosses him back in the ring. Garcia fires back with a clothesline, then throws Andretti into the ring steps.


Back from the break, Garcia delivers a kick to Andretti's face. Andretti delivers a backbreaker and a neckbreaker, then ascends to the top rope. Garcia rolls to the outside, and Andretti hits a moonsault off the apron. He then gets him back in the ring and delivers a split-legged moonsault. Garcia locks in the Dragon Sleeper, but Andretti turns the locks into a pinfall. Garcia kicks out and Andretti delivers a neckbreaker. Andretti goes flying off the ropes, but Garcia catches him and plants him. Andretti delivers an elbow and a Torndao, followed by the Running Shooting Star Press for the win.

Winner: Action Andretti

