AEW Dark Results (01/03) - Top Flight Vs. The Workhorsemen, Christopher Daniels Vs. Brian Pillman Jr. Emi Sakura In Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Dark" on January 3, 2023, coming to you from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida!

Top Flight (Dante and Darius Martin) will be going head-to-head with The Workhorsemen (Anthony Henry and JD Drake) in a huge tag team match. Top Flight have been a force to be reckoned with since Darius made his return to action following an injury, and most recently won the $300,000 Three Kings Christmas Casino Trios Royale during the "Rampage: Holiday Bash" special on December 23 alongside AR Fox.


Elsewhere in the tag team division, Varsity Athletes (with manager "Smart" Mark Sterling at ringside) will be taking on Adrian Alanis and Liam Gray following their win over Pillars of Destiny on last night's "Dark: Elevation". Dark Order's Alex Reynolds and John Silver will also be facing Blanco Loco and Axton Ray while Sonny Kiss and Jeeves Kay of The Trustbusters will be squaring off with Cameron Stewart and Ryzin.

Christopher Daniels will be making his return to action tonight, as he is set to take on Brian Pillman Jr. of The Blonds. Two other stars will also be coming back to an AEW ring tonight, as Rohit Raju will go one-on-one with Richard Adonis, and "The Captain" Shawn Dean will be squaring off with Ariel Dominguez.


The leader of The Trustbusters, Ari Daivari, will be taking on former WWE star Leon Ruffin. The Wingmen's Ryan Nemeth will be facing Dak Draper while Blake Christian goes one-on-one with Sean Maluta, and Jora Johl will be squaring off with Jarett Diaz. Additionally, former Baddie Kiera Hogan will be in action when she takes on Kaci Lennox. Japanese veteran Emi Sakura (with Baliyan Akki in her corner) will also be going head-to-head with Jada Stone.

We are live! Taz and Excalibur greet audiences at home as Brian Pillman Jr. makes his way to the ring, followed by Christopher Daniels.

Christopher Daniels vs. Brian Pillman Jr.

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Pillman delivers a bodyslam. Daniels fires back with a dropkick, then delivers a right hand. Pillman delivers a kick to his spine, then sends him face first into the top turnbuckle. Daniels delivers a kick to his midsection, but Pillman delivers a crossbody.


Daniels delivers a back heel trip, then delivers a gutbuster and several elbows. Pillman returns the favor, but Daniels delivers a shoulder to his midsection and an elbow drop. He whips Pillman into the corner, then goes for a pin. Pillman kicks out and Daniels delivers an elbow to his spine. Pillman delivers a dropkick, then delivers an elbow and a clothesline. He follows it up with a side suplex, then delivers a running lariat and a Northern Lights suplex. The two men exchange chops before Pillnan delivers a back body drop and follows it up with a thrust kick-lariat combination. He ascends to the top and looks for a Swanton Bomb, but Daniels rolls out of the way and delivers a chokeslam, followed by the Best Moonsault Ever for the win.


Winner: Christopher Daniels

We then head backstage to Ryan Nemeth and Lexy Nair. Nemeth says he wants to remind everyone there is only one him tonight. He thanks his team for "helping him to live his dream", then says he assumes he will win.

Emi Sakura heads to the ring, with Jada Stone already waiting inside.

Emi Sakura (w/ Baliyan Akki) vs. Jada Stone

The bell rings and Stone delivers a series of forearms to Sakura. Sakura grabs her hair, then delivers a chop and has a cup of tea. She delivers a superkick and a stomp, then locks in a Romero Special. She sends Stone crashing into the mat, then delivers a chop. Stone delivers the double knees, but Sakura fires back with We Will Chop You. She follows it up with a crossbody and the Butterfly Backbreaker. She ascends to the top, then delivers a moonsault for the win.


Winner: Emi Sakura

We then head backstage to Lexy Nair, Brian Pillman Jr. Arn Anderson, and Brock Anderson. Nair says Arn requested this time and Arn discusses Brock's match with last week against Matt Menard. He tells Pillman not to think any less of his abilities after losing to Christopher Daniels and says he saw a spark between the two of them as a team. He says he's trying to do something beneficial for all of them and asks them what they think. Pillman says he has lost everything he's worked for and says he's lost. He says he knows Arn has a storied history with his father and says he's there to call in that favor now. Arn says they're going to give this a try.

Ryan Nemeth heads to the ring, with Dak Draper already waiting inside.


Ryan Nemeth vs. Dak Draper

The bell rings and Nemeth goes after Draper's knee. He delivers several right hands, then delivers a big boot and an eye rake. Nemeth plants Draper, but Draper fires back with an elbow off the middle rope. Nemeth hits Hunk of Love for the win.


Winner: Ryan Nemeth

Blake Christian heads to the ring, with Sean Maluta already waiting inside.

Blake Christian vs. Sean Maluta

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Maluta delivers a back elbow. Christian delivers a dropkick, then goes flying and whips him into the corner. Christian delivers an elbow that sends Maluta to the outside, then goes flying and tosses him back in the ring. Maluta sends Christian's face bouncing off the top, then delivers a running knee and a kick to his spine. Christian sends Maluta's face into the top turnbuckle, then fires off several right hands, but Maluta delivers a running boot and an uppercut. Christian delivers a twisting bulldog, then delivers a sunset flip into the corner and follows it up with a diving knee strike. He hits the Half-and-Half, then ascends to the top. Maluta rolls out of the way to the outside and Christian follows him there. He delivers a cutter, then tosses him back in the ring and delivers a 450 Splash for the win.


Winner: Blake Christian

Leon Ruffin heads to the ring, followed by Ari Daivari and The Trustbusters. Daivari grabs a mic and says he has a propisistion. He says if Ruffin lays down for him, then he can become a member of The Trustbuster. Ruffin kneels down mocking him, then says he kneels for no one.

Ari Daivari (w/ The Trustbusters) vs. Leon Ruffin

The bell rings and the two lock up. Daivari gets in Ruffin's face, and the two exchange submissions. Ruffin delivers a dropkick, but Daivari rolls out of the ring. Ruffin follows him out there with a cannonball, then tosses Daivari back inside. Jeeves Kay distracts Ruffin, allowing Daivari to deliver an elbow and toss him into the stage. He gets him back in the ring, then whips him into the corner. Ruffin delivers a back elbow, then fires off several right hands and a kick to his face. Ruffin delivers a lariat, then delivers a cutter off the ropes. Slim-J, Kay, and Kiss distract Ruffin, allowing Daivari to deliver a thrust kick and a Hammerlock lariat for the win.


Winner: Ari Daivari

After the match, The Trustbusters beat down Ruffin but AR Fox and Blake Christian run to the ring with chairs in hand to even the odds.

Rohit Raju heads to the ring, with Richard Adonis already waiting inside.

Rohit Raju vs. Richard Adonis

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Adonis delivers a kick to Raju's head. He follows it up with a chop, but Raju sends him to the mat and delivers several stomps. He whips him into the corner, then delivers a back elbow and a series of kicks. Raju delivers a right hand to Adonis' spine, but Adonis delivers a back elbow and a suplex. He follows it up with a thrust kick, but Raju delivers a jumping knee strike, followed by a big boot in the corner and a cannonball. He ascends to the top and delivers the double knees for the win.


Winner: Rohit Raju

Jora Johl heads to the ring, with Jarett Diaz already waiting inside.

Jora Johl vs. Jarett Diaz

The bell rings and the two lock up. Johl shoves Diaz into the corner, then tosses him across the ring and charges at him. Diaz moves out of the way and delivers a kick to his midsection, but Johl fires back with a delayed vertical suplex. Johl delivers a right hand, but Diaz delivers a pair of kicks. He looks to go flying, but Johl catches him with a big boot for the win.


Winner: Jora Johl

Dark Order heads to the ring, with Blanco Loco and Axton Ray already waiting inside.

Dark Order vs. Blanco Loco and Axton Ray

Silver and Ray begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Silver delivers a shoulder tackle. Silver delivers a dropkick, then tags in Reynolds. Reynolds delivers an uppercut and a kick, then follows it up with a big boot and whips him into the corner. Blanco tags in and delivers a right hand across Reynolds' neck. Reynolds manages to deliver a back elbow and a double stomp. Blanco tags in and Reynolds delivers a clothesline to him. He hits a rolling elbow before Silver delivers an enziguri. Reynolds follows that up with a stunner, and Silver delivers a German suplex. Reynolds then pins him for the win.


Winners: Dark Order

Varsity Athletes and "Smart" Mark Sterling head to the ring, with Adrian Alanis and Liam Gray already waiting inside.

Varsity Athletes (w/ Mark Sterling) vs. Adrian Alanis and Liam Gray

Gray and Woods begin the action. The bell rings and Gray delivers an arm drag. Woods delivers a suplex, then tags in Nese. Nese delivers a kick to Gray's midsection, then tags in Woods. Woods delivers a jumping knee, then tags in Nese. Nese fires off several right hands, then whips Gray into the corner and flexes. Alanis tags in and delivers a clothesline. He follows it up with a boot as Nese makes the blind tag to Woods. Woods delivers a back elbow, then follows it up with a suplex. Nese tags in and Varsity Athletes hit 1RM for the win.


Winners: Varsity Athletes

Kiera Hogan heads to the ring, with Kaci Lennox already waiting inside.

Kiera Hogan vs. Kaci Lennox

The bell rings and the two lock up. Lennox delivers a back elbow, but Hogan fires back with a dropkick and a hip attack. She delivers a sliding dropkick, followed by a side suplex for the win.

Winner: Kiera Hogan


The Trustbusters head to the ring, with Ryzin and Cameron Stewart already waiting inside.

The Trustbusters (w/ Jeeves Kay) vs. Ryzin and Cameron Stewart

Kiss and Stewart begin the action. The bell rings and Stewart rolls up Kiss. Kiss kicks out and delivers a knee, then whips Stewart into the corner. They deliver an elbow, but Stewart fires back with a dropkick and tags in Ryzin. Ryzin delivers a Northern Lights suplex, but Kiss delivers a shoulder tackle and tags in Slim. Slim sends Ryzin face first into the top turnbuckle, then whips him into the corner and goes flying. Kiss tags in and delivers a series of kicks. They deliver a handspring right hand before Ryzin delivers a big boot. Stewart tags in and Kiss delivers a forearm. The Trustbusters deliver an assisted neckbreaker to Ryzin. Slim ascends to the top rope and hits a diving reverse DDT before Kiss delivers a 450 Splash for the win.


Winners: The Trustbusters

Shawn Dean heads to the ring, with Ariel Dominguez already waiting inside.

Shawn Dean vs. Ariel Dominguez

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Dean delivers a dropkick. Dominguez fires back with a kick to Dean's head, but Dean delivers a German suplex. He delivers a dropkick to Dominguez, then ascends to the top rope and delivers a Frog Splash for the win.


Winner: Shawn Dean

The Workhorsemen head to the ring, followed by Top Flight.

Top Flight vs. The Workhorsemen

Henry and Darius begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Daruis whips Henry into the corner, then delivers a dropkick to the back of his head. Dante tags in and delivers a splash, then knocks Henry to the outside and looks to go flying. The Workhorsemen move out of the way and deliver a double dropkick. Dante tags in and delivers a snapmare followed by a kick to his spine. Darius tags back in and delivers a kick to his midsection. Henry delivers the neck crank, then delivers a kick to his spine and tags in Drake. Drake delivers a chop, then delivers an uppercut and a chop. He hits a kick, then follows it up with a headbutt.


Dante tags in and delivers a forearm. He hits several kicks to Drake's thigh, but Drake plants him and tags in Henry. Henry ascends to the top and delivers a diving knee drop. He goes for a pin, but Dante kicks out. Drake tags in and delivers a chop, then tags in Henry. Henry delivers a series of kicks, but Dante hits a hurricanrana. Darius and Drake in, and Darius delivers a crossbody off the top. He follows it up with a Spanish Fly before Dante and Henry tag in and Dante delivers a shotgun dropkick. Darius tags in and delivers a flatliner through the bottom rope. Darius delivers a forearm, then gets Henry up on his shoulders as Dante ascends to the top rope. Henry escapes and plants Darius, then tags in Drake. Drake delivers a kick to the back of his head and hits a flippkng senton. Henry tags in and the two look for a double maneuver, but Darius sends Drake on the apron. Dante tags in and delivers a rocket launch dropkick. The pair follow it up with the Combination Nose Dive for the win.


Winners: Top Flight

