Backstage News On Travel Issues Affecting Recent AEW Shows

Winter storms battered a sizable portion of the United States last week, and with massive amounts of snow wreaking havoc on travel — particularly air travel — the two major wrestling companies were forced to make adjustments as a result. For WWE, a live event in Columbus, Ohio earlier in the week saw changes made when certain talent couldn't get there. On Wednesday, AEW was up to deal with its fair share of complications for Wednesday's live "Dynamite" and "Rampage" taping in Denver, Colorado.


Per Fightful Select, AEW talent trying to get out of the Buffalo area, such as Daniel Garcia, was unable to, prompting changes to the shows. In addition, Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., Eddie Kingston, and Saraya were all meant to be a part of "New Year's Smash." However, the inclement weather prevented each from arriving in time to make the show. All three have been figured into notable storylines as of late. Baker is set to team up with AEW Women's Champion Jamie Hayter against Saraya and a mystery partner in Los Angeles in two weeks while Kingston, with Ortiz, has been building to a match against the House of Black. As a result, neither program received any attention on this week's shows due to these notable absences. 


As such, AEW boss Tony Khan had to scramble in adjusting plans for both shows. But those backstage were positive about the changes made and how things turned out for both shows, and fans seemed to receive the changes quite well also. 

