AEW Dark Results (12/13) - Eddie Kingston & Ortiz Vs. The Trustbusters, Kip Sabian Vs. Tony Deppen, Tay Melo In Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Dark" on December 13, 2022!

A huge trios match is scheduled for tonight, as The Factory's QT Marshall, Lee Johnson and Cole Karter will be going head-to-head with LSG, Chris Steeler and Joe Keys. The Factory has been dominant on "Dark" and "Dark: Elevation", accumulating a multitude of wins over the past several weeks. Will they be able to pick up the win once more?


Eddie Kingston and Ortiz will be teaming up once again to take on Slim J and Jeeves Kay of The Trustbusters. Kingston has been showing a more aggressive attitude over the past few weeks and continued to beat down opponents after matches, but Ortiz has been keeping him in check. What will happen when the two teams collide?

Additionally, three singles matches are also set for tonight, as "The Reality" Zack Clayton goes one-on-one with Steve Pena. Clayton will certainly be looking to redeem himself after he teamed up with Zane Valero in a losing effort to Best Friends on last night's "Dark: Elevation". Jericho Appreciation Society's Tay Melo will be facing Miranda Vionette, and Kip Sabian will be squaring off with former Ring of Honor World Television Champion Tony Deppen.


We are live! Taz and Excalibur greet audiences at home as Tay Melo and Sammy Guevara head to the ring. Miranda Vionette is already waiting inside.

Tay Melo (w/ Sammy Guevara) vs. Miranda Vionette

The bell rings and Melo shoves Vionette. Vionette does the same before Melo delivers a knee across her jaw and transitions into a full body submission for the win.

Winner: Tay Melo

The Factory heads to the ring, with LSG, Chris Steeler and Joe Keys already waiting inside.


The Factory vs. LSG, Chris Steeler and Joe Keys

Johnson and Steeler begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Johnson delivers several stomps, followed by a suplex. He sends him face first into the top turnbuckle, then tags in Karter. Karter delivers a back elbow, then plants him with a chokeslam. Keys tags in and Karter delivers a dropkick. Marshall tags in and delivers a right hand to his midsection. He hits a back elbow, then delivers an uppercut. Johnson tags back in and delivers a boot to Keys' midsection. He follows it up with a suplex and an elbow to his head. Keys sends Johnson to the outside, but Marshall tosses him back in the ring. Karter and LSG tag in. LSG delivers a big boot, but Marshall hops into the ring and delivers a right hand. The Factory then deliver the triple Diamond Cutter for the win.


Winners: The Factory

Zack Clayton heads to the ring, with Steve Pena already waiting inside.

Zack Clayton vs. Steve Pena

The bell rings and the two lock up. Clayton delivers a back elbow, then plants him and gloats. Pena delivers a jawbreaker and a clothesline, but Clayton fires back with a powerslam and Fisherman's Buster for the win.


Winner: Zack Clayton

Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford head to the ring, with Tony Deppen already waiting inside.

Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford) vs. Tony Deppen

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Sabian delivers a boot to Deppen's midsection. He hits a leg lariat, but Deppen fires back with a leg sweep. Sabian delivers an enziguri that sends Deppen to the outside, then tosses him into the ring and delivers a springboard dropkick. He calls for the maestro, then looks for a neckbreaker, but Deppen reverses it into a roll up. Sabian kicks out and Deppen delivers a double stomp. He follows it up with a Northern Lights suplex, then goes for a pin but Sabian kicks out. Sabian sends Deppen to the outside with a knee, then hits an Arabian Moonsault and tosses Deppen back in the ring and delivers the Psycho Driver for the win.


Winner: Kip Sabian

Slim J and Jeeves Kay head to the ring, followed by Eddie Kingston and Ortiz.

Eddie Kingston and Ortiz vs. Slim J and Jeeves Kay (w/ Parker Boudreaux and Sonny Kiss)

Kingston and Slim begin the action. The bell rings and Slim rolls out of the ring. Ortiz goes after him and Slim gets back in the ring. He gets in Kingston's face, then delivers a tijeras. Kingston pulls off Slim's shirt, then delivers a vicious chop and tags in Ortiz. Ortiz delivers a suplex, then tags in Kingston. Kingston delivers a belly-to-belly suplex, then tags in Ortiz back in. He delivers a splash, then locks in an Abdominal Stretch. Kay breaks it up, then chokes Ortiz with his towel while the referee is distracted. Slim delivers a flatliner and a bodyslam, then tags in Kay. Kay beats him down, then tags in Slim. Ortiz delivers a lariat, then tags in Kingston. Kay tags in and delivers an Exploder. He goes for a pin, but Slim breaks the fall. Ortiz tags in and Kay delivers a running boot. He follows it up with a thrust kick. Kingston tags in and delivers a right hand, followed by the Stretch Plum for the win.


Winners: Eddie Kingston and Ortiz

After the match, Kingston delivers a DDT to Slim, then locks in the Stretch Plum.

