AEW Dark: Elevation Results (12/12) - Varsity Athletes & Ari Daivari Vs. Chaos Project & Brandon Cutler, Best Friends Vs. Zack Clayton & Zane Valero, Willow Nightingale In Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Dark: Elevation" on December 12, 2022, taped at the H-E-B Center in Cedar Park, Texas!

A huge trios match is set for tonight, as Varsity Athletes (Tony Nese and Josh Woods) will team up with The Trustbuster's Ari Daivari to take on Chaos Project (Luther and Serpentico) and Brandon Cutler. Varsity Athletes have been dominant over the course of the past few weeks, and show no sign of slowing down anytime soon while Daivari has been leading The Trustbusters to success over the last few weeks. On the other side of things, Chaos Project and Brandon Cutler have been regularly featured on "Dark" and "Dark: Elevation" over the past few months. Which team will come out on top?


"Cool Hand" Angelo Parker and "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard look to bring home another win for the Jericho Appreciation Society, as they face Zach Mason and Warren Johnson. Best Friends (Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor) will also be in tag team action, as they take on "The Reality" Zack Clayton and Zane Valero. In addition, recent AEW signee Willow Nightingale looks to continue her winning streak when she goes head-to-head with Vertvixen. Nightingale has defeated Anna Jay A.S., Marina Shafir, and Leila Grey, and most recently, Trish Adora on the Ring of Honor Final Battle Zero Hour pre-show. Veteran Emi Sakura will also be in action, as she squares off with Danni Bee.

We are live! Matt Menard, Paul Wight, and Tony Schiavone greet audiences at home as Emi Sakura makes her way to the ring, with Danni Bee already waiting inside.


Emi Sakura vs. Danni Bee

The bell rings and the two lock up. Bee plants Sakura, then looks for a drop kick to her head. Sakura ducks and plants Bee, then delivers her signature chops. She delivers a flying crossbody, then follows it up with a delayed butterfly backbreaker. She locks in a neck submission for the win.


Winner: Emi Sakura

Matt Menard and Angelo Parker head to the ring, with Zach Mason and Warren Johnson already waiting inside.

Matt Menard and Angelo Parker vs. Zach Mason and Warren Johnson

The bell rings and Menard and Parker. They waste no time taking down both competitors, then deliver a double DDT for the win.

Winners: Matt Menard and Angelo Parker

We head backstage to The Butcher and The Blade, who put the tag team division on notice.


Willow Nightingale heads to the ring, with Vertvixen already waiting inside.

Willow Nightingale vs. Vertvixen

The bell rings and the two lock up. Vertvixen delivers a few kicks to Nightingale, but Nightingale fires back with a sliding crossbody. She delivers a hip attack, but Vertvixen fires back with a chop block and a DDT. She delivers several right hands, but Nightingale delivers a kick to her midsection and a pair of clotheslines. She then delivers a hip attack and a superkick, then hits a spinebuster for the win.


Winner: Willow Nightingale

After the match, Tay Melo and Anna Jay A.S. sneak up on Nightingale and attack her. They deliver several kicks, but Ruby Soho runs to the ring with a pipe in hand to make the save.

Zack Clayton and Zane Valero head to the ring, followed by Best Friends.

Best Friends vs. Zack Clayton and Zane Valero

Taylor and Valero begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Beretta tags in and delivers a lariat. Clayton tags in and delivers a kick to Beretta's midsection. He delivers a series of uppercuts, then fires off several right hands. Beretta delivers a few open palm strikes, but Clayton delivers a pair of back body drops. Valero tags in and Beretta plants him. He looks to tag Taylor in, but Clayton pulls him off the apron. Beretta delivers a snap suplex before Best Friends deliver a Dudebuster-double stomp combination for the win.


Winners: Best Friends

After the match, Best Friends hug with Valero in the center of the ring.

Brandon Cutler and Chaos Project head to the ring, followed by Varsity Athletes, "Smart" Mark Sterling, and Ari Daivari (as Sterling rags on Cedar Park)

Varsity Athletes and Ari Daivari vs. Chaos Project and Brandon Cutler

Luther and Woods begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Woods delivers a modified dragon screw, then whips him into the corner and delivers a splash. Luther fires back with a big boot, then tags in Serpentico. Luther body slams Serpentico on Woods, then tags in Cutler. Luther body slams Cutler into Woods before the pair and Serpentico deliver triple Airplane Spins to Varsity Athletes and Daivari.


Woods delivers a suplex, then tags in Daivari. He delivers a twisting neckbreaker to Serpentico, then tags in Nese. He whips Serpentico into the corner, but Serpentico fires back with a hurricanrana. Nese knocks Luther off the apron before Cutler tags in and delivers a lariat. He follows it up with a flying knee, then delivers a Manhattan Drop and a pair of elbows. He goes for a pin, but Nese kicks out. Cutler grabs his cooling spray, but Sterling grabs it out of his hand. Nese takes advantage and holds him in place for Sterling so that he can spray him, but Cutler moves out of the way and Sterling sprays Nese. Cutler rolls up Nese, but Nese kicks out. Serpentico tags in and Nese hits him with a thumb to his throat. Daivari tags in, and Varsity Athletes deliver their finisher. Daivari follows it up with a Frog Splash for the win.


Winners: Varsity Athletes and Ari Daivari

