AEW Dark Results (11/22) - Dark Order Vs. The Trustbusters, Tay Melo Vs. Skye Blue, Rush Vs. Leon Ruffin

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Dark" on November 22, 2022!

A huge trios match is set for tonight, as Evil Uno, John Silver and Alex Reynolds of Dark Order will be going head to head with The Trustbuster's Ari Daivari, Sonny Kiss, and Jeeves Kay. Both teams have been dominant over the past few weeks, continuing to overcome opponents week after week on "Dark" and "Dark: Elevation". Which team will come out on top?


Blackpool Combat Club's Wheeler Yuta defeated Zack Clayton on last night's "Dark: Elevation", and looks to continue to keep his winning streak going tonight as he takes on KM. La Faccion Ingobernable's Rush will be facing former WWE star Leon Ruffin while Varsity Athletes (Tony Nese and Josh Woods) will take on Jake Hager of the Jericho Appreciation Society will also return to in-ring action as he squares off with Bryce Donovan.

Speaking of the Jericho Appreciation Society, Tay Melo (with best friend Anna Jay in her corner) will be going one-on-one with up and comer Skye Blue. Elsewhere in the women's division, "The Problem" Marina Shafir looks to continue to rack up wins as she takes on recent AEW signee Willow Nightingale. However, this will be no easy feat for Shafir, as Nightingale is coming off a win on last night's "Dark: Elevation" when her and Hikaru Shida defeated Emi Sakura and Leva Bates.


We are live! Taz and Excalibur greet audiences at home as Varsity Athletes and "Smart" Mark Sterling make their way to the ring. Dean Alexander and Rosario Grillo wait in the ring.

Varsity Athletes (w/ Smart Mark Sterling) vs. Dean Alexander and Rosario Grillo

Alexander and Nese begin the action. The bell rings and Nese poses in the ring. Alexander delivers a boot to his midsection, then sends him to the mat. Nese hits a left hand, then delivers several stomps in the corner. Alexander delivers a hanging neck breaker, then tags in Grillo. Nese targets Grillo's eyes, then tags in Woods. Woods delivers a knee, then sends him to the mat. Nese tags in and delivers an uppercut. He goes for a pin, but Alexander breaks it up. Woods tosses him out of the ring, then tags in. The pair hit the 1RM for the win.


Winners: Varsity Athletes

Marina Shafir and Vickie Guerrero head to the ring, followed by Willow Nightingale.

Marina Shafir (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs. Willow Nightingale

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Nightingale delivers a shoulder tackle and a low crossbody. Shafir delivers a kick to Nightingale's midsection, then sends her into the ropes and fires off several more kicks. Shafir delivers several right and left hands before the two women exchange elbow strikes. Nightingale delivers a chop, then follows it up with a hip attack and a lariat. She hits a boot, then follows it up with a spinebuster and goes for a pin but Shafir kicks out. Nightingale runs the ropes, but Guerrero grabs her ankle to stop her from gaining momentum. Nightingale then almost sends Shafir crashing into Guerrero, leading to Shafir asking Guerrero what she's doing. This allows Nightingale to take advntage and deliver the Doctor Bomb for the win.


Winner: Willow Nightingale

Wheeler Yuta heads to the ring, with KM already waiting inside.

Wheeler Yuta vs. KM

The bell rings and the two lock up. KM sends Yuta into the corner before Yuta delivers a low drop kick. KM sends Yuta to the mat, then fires off several right hands and a knee to his midsection. KM plants Yuta with a side slam, then goes for a pin but Yuta kicks out. KM delivers a bodyslam, then looks to go flying. Yuta rolls out of the way and delivers a pair of drop kicks, followed by a back elbow and a missile drop kick. He ascends to the top, but KM sends him flying across the ring. Yuta fires back with several elbows, then pins KM for the win.


Winner: Wheeler Yuta

We head backstage to The Firm. Ethan Page says Private Party and Matt Hardy have been bringing in money for The Firm and says he will beat Ricky Starks tomorrow night. Page tells them to "ride the wave of momentum" and says that he will be giving them a challenge on next week's "Dark": The Wingmen. He wishes them luck and walks off. Hardy asks Private Party how they're feeling, then says The Wingmen are in for a twist of fate that will end in deletion.

Jericho Appreciation Society heads to the ring, with Bryce Donovan already waiting inside.

Jake Hager vs. Bryce Donovan

The bell rings and the two shove one another. Hager plants Donovan, but Donovan fires back with several right hands. Hager delivers a lariat, then tosses Donovan around the ring before delivering the Hager Bomb. Donovan sends Hager crashing into the top turnbuckle, but Hager manages to hit a chokeslam and lock in the Head and Arm Triangle for the win.


Winner: Jake Hager

Skye Blue heads to the ring, followed by Tay Melo and Anna Jay A.S..

Tay Melo (w/ Anna Jay) vs. Skye Blue

The bell rings and Melo delivers a kick to Blue's midsection. The two women roll one another up before Melo shoves Blue. Blue returns the favor, then whips her into the corner and delivers a forearm. Blue ascends to the top, but Melo pulls her off with a Dragon Screw. She chokes Blue on the bottom rope, then delivers an arm drag and an elbow strike. She hits a punt kick, then goes for a pin but Blue kicks out. Blue delivers a series of elbows, followed by a tijeras and a knee. Melo delivers a German Suplex, followed by a running kick. She goes for a pin, but Blue kicks out. Melo looks for Tay-KO, but Blue escapes and delivers a boot to her midsection. She hits a Code Red, then goes for a pin but Jay distracts the referee. This allows Melo to lock in a modified Peruvian Necktie for the win.


Winner: Tay Melo

After the match, Jay locks in the Queen Slayer on Blue, but Willow Nightingale runs down to make the save.

Leon Ruffin heads to the ring, followed by Rush and Jose The Assistant.

Rush (w/ Jose The Assistant) vs. Leon Ruffin

The bell rings and Ruffin delivers a pair of drop kicks to Rush. Rush no-sells them and delivers a vicious forearm. He delivers a chop, then delivers an Exploder into the corner. He follows it up with Bull's Horn's for the win.


Winner: Rush

The Trustbusters head to the ring, followed by Dark Order.

Dark Order vs. The Trustbusters

Uno and Kay begin the action. The bell rings and Uno delivers a shoulder tackle. He tags in Reynolds, who delivers a flying back elbow and an uppercut. Kiss tags in and delivers a 450 Splash to Reynolds. They go for the pin, but Uno breaks it up. Daivari tags in and sends Reynolds into the corner. He delivers a chop, then plants Reynolds on the mat and tags Kay back in. Kay delivers a right hand, followed by several stomps.He delivers a few forearms, then tags in Kiss. Kiss delivers a springboard right hand, then tags in Daivari. Daivari delivers a hanging neckbreaker, then tags in Kay. Reynolds delivers a rolling elbow, then tags in Silver. Silver delivers a pair of lariats, then follows it up with a back body drop and an enziguri. He ascends to the top rope, then delivers a high crossbody. Kay rolls through, but Silver kicks out. Silver delivers a brainbuster, then tags in Uno. The trio hit the Penulum Bomb for the win.


Winners: Dark Order

