Erick Redbeard Names Most Underrated And Kindest Wrestlers

For nearly 20 years, Erick Redbeard has competed in the professional wrestling world. Most notably, he joined the Wyatt Family in WWE, under the ringname of Erick Rowan. After serving in WWE from 2011 through 2020, the former "SmackDown" Tag Team Champion returned to the independent scene and racked up a few appearances in All Elite Wrestling as well.


Under the Reddit forum "Squared Circle," Redbeard recently held an AMA session, answering various questions from fans. Redbeard was asked who was the "most underrated in-ring talent" he's ever worked with. "Neville (PAC)," Redbeard wrote. "He deserves the world."

Now PAC in AEW, Neville and Redbeard worked together a handful of times during their tenure in WWE — mainly in multi-man tag team matches. In May 2013, Redbeard teamed with the late Luke Harper to dethrone Neville and Bo Dallas as "NXT" Tag Team Champions.

In the same thread, Redbeard later revealed who he perceived to be the kindest wrestler he's worked with. "Big E is the kindest despite being grumpy from losing the last name Langston," he said. The former WWE Champion initially entered the company as Big E. Langston, before dropping it to just Big E in early 2014. Redbeard and Big E often dueled on opposite sides of the squared circle, with frequent collisions between The Bludgeon Brothers and The New Day. 


Lastly, Redbeard revealed WWE Hall of Famer Kane as the wrestler he looked up to most, as he "helped me a lot during my time with WWE," Redbeard said, having first encountered "The Big Red Machine" in the ring through a two-on-one handicap match in 2014.

