William Regal Praises Overlooked Member Of Notable FCW Class

William Regal has lived and breathed professional wrestling since the 1980s, making a name for himself in WCW before eventually jumping to WWE — where he would spend 20-plus years as both a competitor and on-screen authority presence. Now working with AEW as manager of the Blackpool Combat Club, Regal has seen countless people walk into his world and leave. Along the way, though, there's always a handful who got away. Or, who arguably should've been bigger than they were.

This week on his "Gentleman Villain" podcast, Regal spoke on one such talent from his days with WWE's developmental territory, Florida Championship Wrestling — and a class that specifically included future stars Dean Ambrose (Jon Moxley), Husky Harris (Bray Wyatt), Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and one other notable name.

"Now looking back, I thought all of them were going to do well," Regal said. "I do believe Damien Sandow was far better than his career ended up being."

Sandow is most remembered for impersonating many celebrities during his time on WWE television between 2014 and 2015, ultimately being hired by The Miz as his stunt double, becoming "Damien Mizdow." Before that, he won the 2013 Money in the Bank ladder match. However, his cash-in on John Cena ended in failure, and while his popularity rose again alongside The Miz, singles losses piled up while he became nothing more than a comedic jobber.

"Damien Sandow was absolutely magic and special," Regal continued. "If anything that's why I liked him so much, he was like me. I always thought he would have a job in wrestling at a high level forever. He could do anything and blend in with anybody. Damien Sandow was just the one that got away."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Gentleman Villain" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

