Jade Cargill Weighs In On Possible AEW All-Women's PPV

All Elite Wrestling's women's division continues to grow in size, however there's typically only one women's match on "AEW Dynamite" or "AEW Rampage" every week. This fact is something that AEW TBS Champion Jade Cargill is cognizant of. While speaking to Steve Fall on "Ten Count", Cargill addressed the potential of AEW working their way up to an all-women's pay-per-view.


"That would be great if we could," Cargill said "I know for a fact that the women in the locker room, all of them could give five-star matches. We just need the time to do it and the time to shine. We have a very talented roster of ladies. It's just, we have one match a show and we're trying to do the best to perform and maximize the minutes we're given." Cargill recognizes the patterns in how AEW's women are booked, however she wants to take a step back and watch how things unfold because she is still considered new to the industry. The former basketball player made her AEW in-ring debut in March 2021 when teaming with Shaquille O'Neal.

"The match-ups, the faces that haven't been on "Rampage" or "Dynamite" in many months, it would be a stellar show, I'm very certain of that," Cargill reiterated. "Especially with not having to worry about fighting for positions or anything like that, just an all-women's show and everyone has time." Cargill is currently involved in a rivalry with Nyla Rose, who took possession of Cargill's title. The two have never competed one-on-one, but that will change soon, as Cargill and Rose go head-to-head at AEW Full Gear.


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Ten Count" with an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

