Joey Janela Gives Candid Thoughts On 'Stale Ass' AEW Dark

During his time in AEW, Joey Janela spent most of his time competing on "AEW Dark." And while it's been nearly a year since his final AEW match, Janela recently took to Twitter with his thoughts on the show after seeing a clip of a match between AR Fox and Rey Fenix, which took place on the most recent "Dark" episode.


"This is what Dark should be," Janela said. "All around competitive action packed sprints, and maybe a one longer type storyline based match weekly. What that show does is nothing for anyone anymore, tbh it's stale ass! Squash matches do nothing for anyone in 2022, especially on a YouTube show."

The GCW star didn't limit himself to a mere 280 characters, either. "No one wants to watch f***ing squash matches on YouTube in 2022," he continued. "I understand if you're introducing a new wrestler on tv then I'm all for squash matches. This is the reason for talent degression doing nothing but pointless bulls*** for the sake of it."

"AEW Dark" and its sister show, "AEW Dark: Elevation," often involve unsigned wrestlers looking to stand out and get Tony Khan's attention — something that's very difficult to do in a squash match scenario where one wrestler is getting most of the offense. This is something else Janela disagrees with.


"I always made it a point to make my matches with local talents 60/40 or even 50/50," he said. "Because I'm a fan myself and I know that I would never waste my time watching something presented like that & was constantly watching me get s***tier in ring."

