GCW Moment Of Clarity 2022 Results (10/23): Jonathan Gresham Vs. Mike Bailey, Blake Christian Vs. Yamato, More

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Game Changer Wrestling presents Moment of Clarity from the Valley Dale Ballroom in Columbus, OH. Last night at Drop Dead 2022 in Detroit, Los Mazisos (Ciclope and Miedo Extremo) captured the GCW World Tag Team Championship by winning a DLC (doors, ladders, and chairs) match. Extremo clinched the victory for Los Mazisos by pinning Second Gear Crew's Matthew Justice. The champions will be in action tonight against ASF and Gringo Loco, but it is currently undetermined if the gold will be defended. 

Alex Colon and John Wayne Murdoch, the former tag team champions, are scheduled to face Jordan Oliver and Nick Wayne tonight. This match was initially set to be for the tag team gold prior to Los Mazisos' victory. 


Almost 24 hours after defeating Yamato, former ROH World Champion Jonathan Gresham will be in action against "Speedball" Mike Bailey. Yamato, on the other hand, will go one-on-one with Blake Christian.

Announced card prior to the show

* Jonathan Gresham vs. Mike Bailey

* Yamato vs. Blake Christian

* Alex Colon and John Wayne Murdoch vs. Jordan Oliver and Nick Wayne

* Effy, Mance Warner, and Matthew Justice vs. Aaron Williams, Jeffrey John, and Lord Crewe

* Los Mazisos (Ciclope and Miedo Extremo) vs. ASF and Gringo Loco

* Allie Katch vs. Billie Starkz

* Shane Mercer vs. Komander 

Alec Price vs. SB Kento, Shane Mercer vs. Komander

Alec Price vs. SB Kento

After Price sought to gain the early advantage, Kento attempted to lock him in an SB Shooter. Kento charged out of the corner and took down Price. Price replied with a DDT after springing off the middle rope. Price kept Kento down on the canvas for a short period. Once back on his feet, Kento landed a series of chops and planted Price into the mat with a Michinoku Driver. Following Price's attempt to build some momentum, both competitors traded blows in the center of the ring. After a back-and-forth and a handful of near-fall attempts, Price landed a Surprise Kick to win the match. 


Winner: Alec Price via pinfall

Shane Mercer vs. Komander

Mercer and Komander started the match with a collar-and-elbow. Komander showcased his athleticism on the ropes and sent Mercer to the outside. Back inside the ring, Komander attempted a high-risk move, but Mercer caught and launched him across the ring. Komander replied by sending Mercer down and connecting with a frog splash after walking the top rope. Mercer launched Komander across the ring again, this time with a monkey flip. Mercer planted Komander into the canvas with a powerslam. 

Komander connected with a poison rana from the top turnbuckle, but it didn't appear to affect Mercer. Komander sent Mercer to the outside once more and leaped from the ring post to take him out. Mercer eventually lifted Komander up and threw him onto the stage. Mercer delivered another powerslam on the stage. Komander managed to deliver a DDT to Mercer on the concrete floor before following it up with a Shooting Star Press. Back in the ring, Komander landed a springboard 450 splash. Mercer managed to pull out a moonsault and battery from the top turnbuckle, but Komander landed on top of Mercer and scored the pinfall. 


Winner: Komander via pinfall

Tag Team Action, Allie Katch vs. Billie Starkz

Alex Colon and John Wayne Murdoch vs. Jordan Oliver and Nick Wayne

Murdoch and Colon brought a door down to the ring during their entrance. Oliver and Colon started the match as the legal competitors. Oliver and Colon traded submission holds. After reaching a stalemate, Colon tagged in Murdoch and Oliver tagged in Wayne. Murdoch immediately went to work on Wayne. Wayne eventually sent Murdoch to the outside. Wayne and Oliver worked together as a unit on Colon and Murdoch. 


The action spilled to the floor. Murdoch and Oliver traded chops. In the ring, Colon sent Wayne through a door in the corner. Murdoch and Colon brawled with Oliver near the stage. Officials were assisting Wayne to the backstage area, but Colon and Murdoch sent him back into the ring. Colon used a steel chair on Wayne. Wayne was sent face-first into a steel chair set up in the corner of the ring. Murdoch and Colon continued to punish Wayne. 

Wayne eventually managed to tag Oliver. Oliver immediately took out Colon and Murdoch. Murdoch smashed a chair on the back of Oliver. Murdoch then delivered a brainbuster to Oliver onto the chair. Wayne returned, but Colon and Murdoch gained the advantage once again. All four men traded moves and ended up laid out on the mat. Oliver and Wayne worked together again, but were unable to finish off Murdoch. Moments later, Oliver kicked out of a Destroyer from Murdoch. Oliver and Wayne landed a double Clout Cutter on Colon to win. 


Winners: Jordan Oliver and Nick Wayne via pinfall

- After the match, Colon and Murdoch argued. In the end, both shook hands. 

Billie Starkz vs. Allie Katch

Starkz and Katch traded submission holds to begin the match. Starkz managed to gain the upper hand and took Katch down with a combination of moves. Katch replied and charged into Starkz in the corner of the ring. Katch connected with a big knee to the face of Starkz. Starkz responded with repeated kicks to the chest. Katch then delivered a Michinoku Driver. 

Katch and Starkz traded forearms in the center of the ring. Katch took Starkz down with a lariat. After a back-and-forth, Starkz landed a German suplex. Katch delivered a superplex and drove Starkz into the corner of the ring. Katch landed a piledriver, but Starkz kicked out of the cover that followed. Starkz delivered a Tombstone and Swanton Bomb, but Katch was able to kick out of the pinfall attempt. Katch scored the pin after delivering another piledriver. 

Winner: Allie Katch via pinfall

GCW World Tag Team Championship, Blake Christian vs. Yamato

Los Mazisos (Ciclope and Miedo Extremo) (c) vs. ASF and Gringo Loco for the GCW World Tag Team Championship

Loco and Ciclope began the match as the legal competitors. The pace of the match picked up as Loco and Ciclope sought to gain the advantage. ASF and Extremo were tagged in. ASF took Extremo down with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Los Mazisos turned the tables and worked together on Loco and ASF. ASF replied with double DDT to Ciclope and Extremo after leaping from the shoulders of Loco. 


Loco and ASF worked as a unit against Los Mazisos. Both teams then exchanged a flurry of moves. Los Mazisos were sent to the outside and ASF leaped over the ropes to take them out. Loco followed behind ASF with a dive from the ring post. Back in the ring, Ciclope connected with a big kick to the face of ASF. Extremo dived to the floor to take out Loco. Los Mazisos then worked together to finish off ASF. 

Winners and STILL GCW World Tag Team Champions: Los Mazisos (Ciclope and Miedo Extremo) via pinfall

Blake Christian vs. Yamato

Christian and Yamato shook hands as the match got underway. Christian took control of Yamato's wrist. Yamato countered and took Christian off his feet. Yamato knocked Christian off his feet again, this time with a shoulder charge. After the pace of the match picked up, Christian landed a dropkick. Yamato slowed the match down and grounded Christian. Yamato targeted the left leg of Christian. 


Christian and Yamato went back-and-forth in the center of the ring. Christian connected with a springboard uppercut, but was still feeling his bad leg. Yamato and Christian traded blows. Christian connected with a knee strike. Christian hit a Spanish Fly, but Yamato kicked out of the cover. Christian sent Yamato to the floor and took a leap over the top rope. Back in the ring, Yamato delivered a quick Frankensteiner to win the match. 

Winner: Yamato via pinfall

Six-Man Tag Team Action, Scramble Match

Effy, Mance Warner, and Matthew Justice vs. Aaron Williams, Jeffrey John, and Lord Crewe

The broke down as soon as the bell rang. Williams and Crewe took out Effy in the ring with a neckbreaker. Warner and Justice went to battle with Williams and Crewe. Williams delivered a kick to the face of Warner. Effy stepped back into the ring and met a slap from Williams. Effy headbutted Williams in the lower region. 


Warner, Effy, and Justice took a dive through the ropes to take out John and Crewe. Williams followed behind with a moonsault from the top turnbuckle to the floor. Williams, John, and Crewe brought out wooden doors from the locker room to the ring. Effy, Warner, and Justice were put through the doors. Williams delivered a frog splash to Effy, but Justice broke up the cover with his own splash from the top. 

The match broke down again as the action spilled around the ringside area. In the ring, John delivered a moonsault to Effy. Justice and Warner brought chairs into the ring. Effy took a chair and used it on John. Effy, with the help of Warner and Justice, connected with a Doomsday variation to win the match. 


Winners: Effy, Mance Warner, and Matthew Justice via pinfall

Cole Radrick vs. Anakin Murphy vs. Kristian Robinson vs. Jimmy Lloyd in a scramble match

Radrick took out Murphy and Robinson. Murphy then delivered a dropkick to the side of Radrick's head. Robinson took down Lloyd as he returned to the ring. Robinson leaped over the ropes. Back in the ring, Lloyd sent Robinson into the ropes. Radrick began to build momentum, but was stopped in his tracks by Robinson. Robinson took another chance over the ropes. Robinson instead ate a superkick from Lloyd. Lloyd sent Murphy crashing onto the stage. 

Robinson and Murphy collided in the ring. Robinson missed a 450 splash. Lloyd returned and battled with Murphy. Lloyd connected with a Cop Killa in the center of the ring. After Lloyd was taken out, Radrick planted Robinson into the canvas to win. 

Winner: Cole Radrick via pinfall

Jonathan Gresham vs. Mike Bailey in the main event

Jonathan Gresham vs. Mike Bailey

Gresham and Bailey shared a somewhat aggressive handshake before the match got started. Gresham tried to take Bailey off his feet and eventually did so. Bailey used his quickness to take Gresham off his feet. Gresham sent Bailey out to the floor. Bailey returned and took the fight to Gresham. Gresham replied with a chop to the chest, which took Bailey off his feet once again. Gresham and Bailey traded aggressive blows in the center of the ring. Gresham connected with a standing dropkick. 


Bailey hit a combination of kicks to send Gresham down. Bailey followed up with a standing twisted press. Gresham used his quickness to get the better of Bailey. Gresham speared Bailey out of the corner and followed it up with a brainbuster. Gresham locked in a half crab. Gresham's chops to the chest fired up Bailey. Bailey fought back and delivered a spinning elbow to Gresham. Gresham and Bailey touched noses before trading blows. 

Bailey hit a series of kicks and a moonsault double knees to Gresham. Gresham went after the leg of Bailey and locked in a submission. Gresham sent Bailey to the outside and took a dive through the ropes. Bailey kicked Gresham to the floor and delivered a moonsault from the turnbuckles. Gresham dropped Bailey onto the top rope. Bailey replied by connecting with double knees on the apron. Bailey landed double knees in the ring, but Gresham kicked out of the cover. Gresham continued to punish the leg of Bailey and locked in a figure-four. Gresham applied more pressure, and it ultimately forced a pin. 


Winner: Jonathan Gresham via pinfall

- That's all for GCW Moment of Clarity 2022!

