Kane Reveals The Most Terrifying Moment Of His Career

Throughout Kane's Hall Of Fame career he has put his body on the line consistently, which has included being involved in some of the most dangerous match stipulations possible. From Hell in a Cell bouts to Inferno matches, the former World Champion has done it all, and taken some big bumps throughout it.


Most fans would presume those types of moments were the scariest for him, when weapons were involved and the risk factor was taken to the next level. However, the answer couldn't be further from that, as Kane took to Twitter to reveal how doing the Spinaroonie made him feel. He said, "Of all the terrifying things I've ever done, this ranks at the very top," making it clear he wasn't fully comfortable with it.

The Spinaroonie was a break dancing move that is best associated with two-time WWE Hall Of Famer Booker T, as this is something he would consistently do throughout his career. Whether it was during matches or after promos, Booker T hitting the move was something that fans came to expect on a regular basis, and it always guaranteed a great reaction from the crowd. 


Throughout his career, Booker T attempted to get other people do it on television and many did. The likes of Vince McMahon, Christian, John Cena, and Bryan Danielson have all got into the ring to showcase their attempt at it. For Kane, he hit the dance move after he returned to WWE to stop the Un-Americans from burning the flag of the United States Of America, as he celebrated with Booker T an Goldust afterward.

