Sami Zayn Loves The Semi-Predictability Of Pairing With The Bloodline

For years now, Roman Reigns and The Bloodline have dominated WWE. The current storyline involving Sami Zayn joining the group has captivated wrestling fans over the last few months, with some inside the industry even touting Zayn as one of the best performers currently in action. In an interview with WWE Deutschland, Zayn discussed the ongoing storyline, from its inception to what he believes makes it work so well.


"So the whole thing actually evolved quite a bit from the initial idea," Zayn said. "And I really love where we're at now. I think a lot of the fans are enjoying it. ... But the initial idea wasn't necessarily to join the Bloodline, because I didn't even think that was possible." Zayn revealed that his initial pitch was for him to start calling himself the locker room leader – an angle that would eventually lead to a solo alliance between himself and Reigns. From there, based on collaboration and fan reaction, the storyline evolved into what it has become today.

'Kind Of Semi-Predictable'

"It's so funny because I just see [the fans] predicting what's gonna happen next every week, and it's never quite what they think is gonna happen," Zayn continued. "I love when it's kind of semi-predictable, but it's not at all predictable, you know?"


While Zayn is undeniably getting massive reactions from live crowds, he credits that response not just as a testament to his own popularity, but to the fans wanting to know what is going to happen next in the storyline.

"Part of the reason I'm getting popular is because of the interaction with Roman Reigns," Zayn shared. "When we come out there, we're starting to hear them kind of single me out and cheer for me. I think that's because they want to see where that goes."

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit WWE Deutschland with an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

