Shawn Michaels Talks About WWE's 'Exciting Time' With Vince McMahon Gone

Vince McMahon officially stepped away from WWE on July 22 when he announced his retirement. With McMahon stepping down and WWE terminating the contract of John Laurinaitis, Vince's daughter, Stephanie McMahon, and Nick Khan have become co-CEOs of WWE, and Paul "Triple H" Levesque is now the company's Chief Content Officer. Shawn Michaels, who is close friends with Levesque and is the current Senior Vice President of Talent Development Creative overseeing "NXT," discussed WWE moving forward without Vince at the helm.


"It's an exciting time, it really is," Michaels said while appearing on "After The Bell with Corey Graves." "I understand that people are kind of judging Vince ... I've always been faithful to him and this company because essentially they are, they've always been one and the same ... I did everything I could to thrive under that leadership. Now, you know, you transfer over to Hunter, I'm still going to do the same thing. But, come on, of course, he's my best friend. We have a great time together. It's a completely different dynamic. There is a comfortability there ... Anything, nothing is off the table."

Michaels talked about how he believes people have reacted to him and Levesque taking on higher positions within WWE and how much they care.


"Everybody understand what we've done," Michaels said. "They're hearing ideas from people who have really dedicated their lives to this stuff. I think everyone understands how much Hunter cares, not just about the job, but the company itself. I think people here understands the passion that I have for doing this ... I think everyone is encouraged."

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "After The Bell with Corey Graves" with an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

